Organic Forum Discussion

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Wow, the mix feels so much better with the added perlite. All mixed in now, was actually pretty easy, did as Duggy suggested-small amounts.

Now the cook begins...again....:xlaugh:


Here is my ammended mix.

Allmix - 10ltrs
Lightmix - 10ltrs
Wormcastings -150g
Fish/Blood/Bone - 60g
Hoof & Horn - 60g
Bonemeal - 60g
Seaweed Meal - 100g
Dolemite Lime - 2g
Epsom Salts - 6g
Mycorr - 40g
Vermiculite - 2ltr
Perlite - 1ltr
3ltrs rainwater with 1tsp Molasses

Hey Eyes, here you go man. My greenhouse Auto Assassin. Took her out today to get to some tomato harvest! She enjoyed the sunshine im sure. She looks good to me man?! A little pale but no deficiencies showing and boy is she starting to smell! A copchop flew overhead while she was outside...I was like "yeah, I'm badass!" hahahahhahaha.


Happy Dazed..
You have some very minor issues but like ya said aint no biggie..Thats why I asked brother cuz the light made it look deeper yellow than it was..Awesome and Thank you buddy!!i appreciate you going out of yer way to get me those man.Th only thing Id recommend if you can swing it is increase the pot size by a by severl cm in diameter if ya got a pot lie that..thats what I recognized..slight yellowing..tall n flowering in a small pot..if you up pot her into a slightly bigger container I think you'll be happy how how well she does.but she looks great n thanks again buddy! :pighug:
You have some very minor issues but like ya said aint no biggie..Thats why I asked brother cuz the light made it look deeper yellow than it was..Awesome and Thank you buddy!!i appreciate you going out of yer way to get me those man.Th only thing Id recommend if you can swing it is increase the pot size by a by severl cm in diameter if ya got a pot lie that..thats what I recognized..slight yellowing..tall n flowering in a small pot..if you up pot her into a slightly bigger container I think you'll be happy how how well she does.but she looks great n thanks again buddy! :pighug:

No thank YOU bro, you asked because you wanted to give me advice and I totally appreciate that. So, hhmmm, you think I should re-pot her? She is an auto? And at this point in flower, wouldn't that set me back a week or so? Just wondering buddy-I can repot if need be (that pot is 5ltr by the way, just over a gallon).

But yeah, she looks cool. I top dressed some of the seaweed meal earlier, worked it in with a trowel and then watered with my exclusive mix of rainwater/urine/molasses and epsom salts.

The only problem I have so far with outdoor/greenhouse growing is humidity. However many holes I cut in the greenhouse fabric, it's still got condensation in there. The tomatoes I have in there will be finished in a few weeks so she will be all on her lonesome which I'm hoping wil cut down on the humidity-I don't want any rot, she's my best looking plant so far.

Some tomatoes I picked of course!


Oh its an Auto..?Oh man.I thought it was a phot..Well yer container look to be about 3 gallons.if you were to do a viticulture style stress dry of the soil to where it shrinks up well you could lightly slip it outta the pot really easy n litterally drop it into a
larger pot n use kid gloves n cover her with some mycos.but if ya have no idea what Im saying dont attempt it..but it can be done..ive done it..a few times..Iknow ppl say it shouldn't be done and they are right man..its a hassle..but can n totally be done with almost zero issues.

But yheah..just sayin man..dont do it..just let her do her thing man!Awesome!!I ate some really nice maters man from my cheery mater vines.mmmm good!!all i need is some flavor oil n vin salad topping infused with cannabis LOL!I bet them maters were sooo good too!!
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Got a GO Go Box today, have a question: will using it totally ruin the idea of having organic soil? It couldn't be as bad as chems, but I don't want to ruin my soil for future use. Obviously what's not used by the plant will build up in the soil. I don't have my soil perfected anyways, it's still a work in progress lol.

(So far, the few plants I've harvested, I tossed the rootball and dumped the remaining soil into my cart with the unused soil mix. I've potted a few plants since, probably using about 10% used soil. This percent will obviously increase later through cycles.)

I suppose the worst that could happen is potential nute burn or lockups? Will it blow up the whole internet? Could it create a disruption in the time-space continuum, thereby transporting my plants and nearby innocent cats/chickens into the Delta quadrant? Everyone knows the Borg frown upon weed, and Delta quadrant weed is far inferior to Earth weed... So we can't have none of dat.
That helps! :D How much mix are we trying to make? Do you have access to a decent grow shop?

Mushroom compost is composed of composted chicken manure and some sort of humus, peat, etc. In the original state it is VERY hot. The product that is bagged has been used for mushrooms already which makes it more "plant friendly" since it has also cooked down quite a bit by the time we buy it. :D

We have mods who are more knowledgeable than I am...

Any time you guys want to chime in, please do. Especially, if I get off a bit on my advice.
Meantime, I'm happy to assist. Just FYI, I may not be on much longer tonight but I'll answer anything I see as soon as I log in again. :thumbs:
Has anyone used kelloggs from home depot for the base soil,it looks like it may be a little hot. I plan on cooking it for at least a month or 6 weeks.I think it has chicken manure in it,if so do i need to add bat poop as well to the mix.Peace.
I have just recently decided to grow again and last week I mixed an organic soil thinking I would buy regular femmed seeds. I've since changed my mind and decided to go with femmed autos, and am concerned that my already mixed soil mix will be too rich for them.

I mixed 1/3 each of worm castings, perlite and peat and adjusted the mix with lime to a 6.9 ph. To this base mix I added 4 cups of glacial rock dust for each cubic foot of soil in my mix.

In a separate container I mixed 2 c. kelp meal, 1 c. alfalfa meal, 1 c. neem meal and 1 cup of organic 4-6-3 vegetable fertilizer. Then I added 2.5 cups of this nutrient mix for each cubic foot of base soil mix. (I realize I could've added other things, but I ran out of money.)

To adjust my mix for Autoflowers, I'm thinking maybe I should add an additional 1 part peat and 1 part perlite to 1 part of my above mixed soil.

Does this sound about right? If not, how should I adjust my soil mix for the Autos?

I'd appreciate any suggestions.

This is a great site by the way and I'm so glad I found this forum.
How many gallons total with both containers do you have? assuming its a smaller can add it all ballance it as you do and cook it good for two minths then difuse it with added used organic or bought soil/Compost and lava rice,rice hulls what have ya.
Thanks for your response. I've got 2 cubic feet mixed up and it's cooking in a big tub right in the middle of my kitchen floor, which really wasn't too bright on my part, cuz that sucker is heavy.

I know that I can use old soil or peat and perlite to bring my mix more in keeping with the nutrient needs of autoflowers,
but what I don't know is the right ratio to add to my new soil mix. Do I cut my new mixed soil by half, a third, or two thirds? I want to meet the nutrient needs of the autos, but I sure don't want to give them too much "good stuff" for their own good.

Thanks again and toke on.