Organic Forum Discussion

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Hi Eyes - I'm doing a really dinky grow; only 4 plants at a time cuz' growing only 4 plants for "recreational use" will FINALLY be legal in my state starting in July!!! It ain't much, but it's legal! Woo Hoo! Besides, I don't really have room for any more than that. I'm still pondering varieties, but I'll probably stick to plants that stay well under 3 feet and I'm leaning towards 2 ft, so I figure 3 gallon pots should do the trick. I'll be making 3 gallon smart pots for the ladies unless you think I should go larger. So 12 gallons of soil is really all I'll probably need to start off. It'll be an inside grow and I'll be using 300 watt CFLS (both veggie and bloom) because that's what I have. I've got a few 26 watt/100 watt equivalents too and I'll probably use the little ones to mix the light spectrum up a bit.

My main concern is that I plant the girls in soil that isn't too rich for them, since I've learned that autos are quite sensitive to nute levels. I figure I can always add an organic liquid fert if I need to.

I just need to know if I should plant in 1 part new soil mix to 1 part "other" (used soil or a half and half peat and perlite mix) or should I go 1 part new soil mix to 2 parts other?

And I have another question. When I made this soil, I was following the advice on another organic forum, where they suggested letting the soil cook for 1 month, but that was for photos not autos. Are you saying to let it cook for 2 months because the autos are really that sensitive to organic nutes? I think the neem meal and the alfalfa would probably be the only organic nutes in my mix that would actually cook, and I was told they would cool off within a month or so.
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well since i dont know exactly HOT or silty or silt laced hot Id say imho just go with a 30-40% dosent strike me as a very hot mix.dunno your base soil make up sooo use the used soil assuming is in fair standing n all.but yeah...depending on genetics as well..some genes hold tighter and stronger through out the grow including rinse also.

and the cook times have nothing to do with photo auto whatever heard 30 days cuz thats thee bare minimum to blend and cook a soil and for it to be worked and stepped long enough for it to be at its most basic level of being can try 30 days if you really really gotta.buuuut imho i would really recommend cooking it for 60 days for two reasons...firstly it'll be a massively better and much more completely blended and feeding soil.balanced more.and second ,the granules usually work significantly more and are safer to use after 45+ days imo.but once its cooked you can blend and cut prior to planting with plain used can(which is what Id personally do honestly)cut it decently close to 30% if you think it'll be too hot and let it mellow and thin out lacing the soil with some of the awesome once its worked n stirred a few times n kept at it proper mosture level n all that
Thanks for your answer. I'll let it cook as long as I can, but I'm running out of stash so time is of the essence. :eek1: And I've been stirring and checking the moisture. I even took the internal soil temp; it's about 105 degrees. Tomorrow or the next day I'll move it into two different bins so I can get it out of my kitchen. I've got some back issues and have to take it easy on how much I can carry or even push without setting off another rather grizzly and grim bout with sciatica. I ordered two seed varieties that are supposed to be good meds for pain, and I sure hope they work.
Hey nuggz i got a batch of my first truly organic mix ,i mixed it up yesterday i,m going to let it cook for at least 6 weeks or 2 months L,ll let you know how it goes.Peace..
Alright! Another organic grower getting started! Hey, it's worth it! Who wants to take a big long toke and spend the next half hour coughing your lungs out from the chemical ferts?

Organic is the best way to enjoy the noble herb.
How many gallons total with both containers do you have? assuming its a smaller can add it all ballance it as you do and cook it good for two minths then difuse it with added used organic or bought soil/Compost and lava rice,rice hulls what have ya.
Hey Eyes what does the rice hulls do for the soil,does it make it lighter or looser.Can you use cotton seed husks,instead of perlite.Peace
I dont really foresee any issues with cotton seed husks over rice husks.well,except that they have a natural N-P-K ratio of like 0.5-0.5-0,5 or 1-1-1 or similar.mellow but if used too much of or not balanced with a lil extra lime and/or some itty bitty wood chips or pumic rock is a bit better,but aeration will help with buffering the fast feeding till its watered out if its heavily powdered residue on the husks.Id rinse them and id imagine that'll help a little too.but im not sure at the rate of how fast they degrade..well after each auto grow just make sure you check the soil aeration prior to reusing the soil..or ya maybe just wanna add a cpl punches of husks to the half batch or so.but yeah I dont really froesee any issues man if used right..hope that helps man.L8r on man.

on a side note..unsure if rice husks have the same silted of feeding characteristics like Cotton seed husks. theyre were a few things I was able to pull up real quick on cottonseed husks/hulls.
DSCN0681.JPG DSCN0682.JPG Is anyone familiar with this oroduct? Would it have a place in a new TLO mix?
