Outdoor Oregon Grown #3

Thanks 912 hoping for a good med run not the best weather so far but there inside so no worries ,last year faced some obstacles running sativas ,so this year's gene pool is pretty heavy afghanica and pakstani and kush so Oct mid Oct any longer and I'm risking all kinds of problems,no wonder the old school hippie growers that grew when I was a kid always chose nl,afghani and skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] if you had a greenhouse and a light lol
They're all looking beautiful and healthy!!!
Thanks very much in always a lil nervous at the starting of a med season I want em to have a good start before they go to the greenhouse ,hopefully I m able to secure enough so I could possibly work one of my own crosses into the mix and also work on ,to be quite honest it seems like never ending goals ,hoping one of my kids takes up the farming when older lol I could definitely use the help 15 years down the road lo
Even though rain ☔ is forecasted going to start work on the greenhouse soon .this year im growing in these containers about the size of recycling bins not huge but I have seen dad get 6ft plants in em and should be able to get good a decent yield off one .
The garden packed full but most are going to the greenhouse,the others will be grown out indoors on the dankstyle js Oregon poetry of plants losts of kush an hashplants this summer.
Definitely getting big I wanna get em out very soon so I can concentrate on my indoor grow and have space another purple kush auto popped as well .
hope you get a no mud day
cheers J
No mud but pure hell 86 degrees in the greenhouse full of weeds 3feet high and a shovel to till it ,dad and I rolled up the sides but I definitely wouldn't want him to pull off the tillin and deweeding it's a lots of intense work ,even though I'm growing in containers can't have weeds and bugs havin free range .