Outdoor Oregon Grown #3

So far the weather has been full of rain ☔ ☔ ☔ with almost no sun ,not real cold weather wise but just raining conditions I'm glad I start em indoors this would drown em I am hoping for a good season like Oregon grown number#1 ,that was a great great season for you as well what a bumper crop .
that year yield well for me, I can still see your monster blueberrys
that year yield well for me, I can still see your monster blueberrys
Hahaha yep that blueberry sure did turn out nice ,I started one for mom this year we will be growing in containers though,mom and dad are probably going to sell the farm but if they don't I will put em in the ground,should still no matter what get a decent harvest I started em early enough to get a good season,as soon as it stops raining I was thinking about taking the lil one out into the woods and maybe find a guerrilla spot to put one ,I live by a forest and might be able to find a spot,last year I got a few seeds off the blue berry kush and wouldn't mind seeing one in the wild .
Also an update on the white face off og by mephisto it popped and is almost above ground I was worried and was scared to put another seed in the soil rare seeds and I only got a few to work with,so super happy to see her alive,she will be a lil behind the others but still has plenty of time to shine .
Also an update on the white face off og by mephisto it popped and is almost above ground I was worried and was scared to put another seed in the soil rare seeds and I only got a few to work with,so super happy to see her alive,she will be a lil behind the others but still has plenty of time to shine .

Glad you can keep those good genetics going!
Glad you can keep those good genetics going!
Thanks very much,I am hoping to maybe show a few not so common plants and grow them out im definitely excited after years of drooling over some of the strains I will finally be able to fill jars with ,im always so excited to grow indoor season,outdoor season I go crazy for em all ,hopefully I will give you and the homies a good show but once there outside it's up to the weather .
Your bad summer sounds like my good ones lol, hope this one is a real sunny one for you!
:cooldance:[/QUOTE hahaha true j ,but Oregon doesn't beat out a whole lot of places for sun but Alaska definitely might be one .thankfully I got em going on time that really makes all the difference.some of the trees have been trimmed back to allow more light to the greenhouse and some more maintenance jobs will be done to improve the environment should be a good season even if in planters.
After just lying in the dirt for days with the seed helmet on white face off og I removed and she seems a lil stunted and after taking so long to germ I wonder if she's not so vigorous so I started another white face off og I have no time to waste and want this plant in my garden and even though I really don't have many of those beans I just can't resist trying to get em outdoors.I have grown the auto version of kromes white by mephisto in many strains whether crossed or pure (indica Walter,Walter white)and each time it produced frosty super med grade kill so I am more than excited to try it crossed to face off og ,I love white triangle and white stomper ,I grew a few more of the whites but I'm more than lit anyway I have them all to be frosty terptastic danks
All the plants are doin well except for the lemon walker it seems stunted,I germed another white face off og to take its place ,the other face off is doing ok seems a lil slow to start .So far im growing 2 skelly ogs,blue kush ,og13 ,and possibly to white face offs ,I do have a bubbas gift that was a little stunted but is now picking up speed it could fill in for the lemon walker if necessary ,I have a skelly og I plan to grow inside and will start a few others as well but the main priority is to get the plants healthy for the greenhouse .
The two white face offs are doin extremely well showings that mephisto kick ass already,after having some tuff issues all my plants are taking off and starting to do well ,the learning process of mixing and creating own soil and teas from scratch sure ain't easy but the Xtra n can now be used for fast growth,starting to branch will be fim and topping ,I fim apical tops and top secondary shoots creates a bush .