Looking good! Do you always start in a pod? How do you transplant them from those? I have a bunch I use for my garden but I’ve never tried them with cannabis.

Tag me in the DWC grow.
Looking good! Do you always start in a pod? How do you transplant them from those? I have a bunch I use for my garden but I’ve never tried them with cannabis.

Tag me in the DWC grow.
Ive used the jiffy pods a couple times now.
I let the bean pop, give it a day or 2 to grow then set the whole pod either in a solo cup or the final pot directly.
Its pretty easy, tho ive read peeps have issues with em.
And youre already in the journal with the hydro yo! I closed the other journal cause it was empty and scary lol, ill randomly update in here!
Whats up afn peeps?
Ill update the big girls later, just wanted to introduce the next baby in the garden, meph sour crack.
Its not even day 1 yet but its just busting loose trying to get to that sweet sweet light. It wants to grow!
So i think the plan, not that anyones keepin track, is to run this thread as a general perpetual thread for all the plants. Ill create lil specific journals in the appropriate sections as needed for testing or showcases.
That way i can keep babbling incessantly but also record the grows as needed.
Now that thats settled, heres sourcrack!View attachment 1090655
Sour Crack! Niiiiice! Considering picking up a pack of Green Crack myself soon, a little sour in the mix sounds pretty damn tasty though.
Oh, so heres a lil something ive got going as well....
My 1st hydro attempt is just puttering along. Its at day 20 today and seems to be okay.
Noones found the journal yet so im just gonna update it in here randomly and ill do up its individual journal later.
Its a magic strain mystery seed, 5gal bubblebucket. Currently 32" under the 65w autocob.
Im using greenleaf nutes, recharge for bennies, and am planning on this being a "no rez-change" grow. Trying to get in to that "dirty water culture" club lol. Not planning on checking ec or tds, will only check ph as needed.
Without further ado, heres the 20 day old magic mystery1!!View attachment 1090663
Do you know if she's an auto or is this a total mystery strain?!
Oh, so heres a lil something ive got going as well....
My 1st hydro attempt is just puttering along. Its at day 20 today and seems to be okay.
Noones found the journal yet so im just gonna update it in here randomly and ill do up its individual journal later.
Its a magic strain mystery seed, 5gal bubblebucket. Currently 32" under the 65w autocob.
Im using greenleaf nutes, recharge for bennies, and am planning on this being a "no rez-change" grow. Trying to get in to that "dirty water culture" club lol. Not planning on checking ec or tds, will only check ph as needed.
Without further ado, heres the 20 day old magic mystery1!!View attachment 1090663

Getting close to the time she should be using all those roots to soak up the DWC goodness and start to explode.

Heres big girl, doing big girl things.
This plant is muh fav.
Pistils are still pushing, the buds havent started filling out yet, which makes me wonder just how big its gonna end up.
Shes sticky and now shes got a crazy crazy smell coming off her. Its almost koolada-like, a very cool almost mint flavor. Its fekkin weird lol, the wifey even noticed it this morning when i opened the tent.
Anywho, shes amazing, doing weed plant things!View attachment 1090656
.............. Wow.......... Dude that is sick! Good job and can't wait to see her start falling over when those fill in more :pass: