New Grower Ok, ive been debating it, but heres my 1st grow journal.

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wow, squid, that makes it easy. and noods: that link is awesome! thanks man!
my opinion if you have a hps put that bitch 18' above and just watch the temps and those babies will be fine then a mother and grow like no other...just my :2cents: thats what i did and everything was all good they grew like champs look at my grow journal and see..
I just hung it..thanks for the advice growdawg, but now that its hung, its giving off alot of heat..check out my pics of my setup, ill upload in a little bit.
no problem get those pic's up and me and squid will help you figure it out thats what we are all here for to share and help we are all learners!!!
new setup (4).jpgnew setup (3).jpgnew 1000w setup.jpgnew 1000w setup (3).jpgnew 1000w setup (2).jpgnew 100 watt setup.jpgok, here they are..damn that light is bright! feels like the damn sun is in my grow tent! haha. anyways, temps are staying great right now, right at 75 or so, and its been on for over an hour. If you look at the 3rd pic, theres a little black box resting on the buckets. Well thats the thermostat. I have the dial on it set to 75, which basically means that when the room reaches 75 degrees, it kicks on the exaust fan that sucks the heat from the reflector, and out into the attic. pretty cool, actually, and it works great.
oh yeah, and Ive got two more t5 strips that i will be strategically placing in there for side lighting, but I think im gonna wait till they start to get a little more height..i dont know, what do you guys think?
The new light looks good in there, and if you can keep it at 75 degrees, you're doing great. With a 1000 watter I can't imagine that you'll need more light, but getting those T5s in there to add a little different spectrum would be OK. I'd definitely wait and see how things go for a while before making any more changes. Give the plants a little time to show how they're liking the new environment.