You're thinking EC/TDS there. Distilled water definitely can be measured for pH. Several entire industries depend on precise pH of distilled water :pass:

I am very intrigued about this product though. So many questions through my mind it's not even funny :haha:

pH electrodes will NOT give accurate pH values in distilled or deionized water. This is because distilled and deionized water do not have enough ions present for the electrode to function properly. The readings will drift and be essentially meaningless. pH buffers are the best solutions in which to test your pH electrodes. Tap water usually has enough ions present to allow a pH electrode to function properly. Because of this, tap water can be a good short term (~24 hours) solution for storage.

Also, keep in mind that water (distilled, deionized, or tap) is NOT "pure" (i.e., pH equal to 7). The moment it comes in contact with air, CO2 gas begins dissolving into it, forming carbonic acid. The actual pH, therefore, will often be slightly less than 7.

If you need to accurately measure the pH of a very pure sample of water, the ionic strength of the water can be adjusted without changing the pH of the water. These pH Ionic Strength Adjusters (pHISA), can be purchased from Thermo Scientific,
Ahh yes,the difference between pH and tds..i didnt think to check it for tds ,not that that would matter..many bottled waters come in at 6-7 pH this walsmart stuff is super high,it says distilled using RO ,prolly just as easy to buy a different water that is closer to at rhe store now,ill get some and check pH cause i have to mix another gallon of overgrow

You are indeed correct, up to a point. I sincerely though you'd hit the bong one too many times haha :crying:… all good bro :pass:

Distilled water can definitely be pH'ed, maybe not by regular cheap-o pens, but you can definitely determine with extreme precision the pH
of deionized/distilled water. Titration, or aquarium color drip kits, and even the best in the market probes can read it perfectly.

You can use a good pH probe if you follow this recommendation. Let the water in an open air area (not sealed tank) to promote carbonic equilibrium, like you said and well, it will become slightly more acidic. The use a very good pH probe, and here is the trick, with constant agitation. Not simply let the probe sit there. There will be enough conductivity for a reliable readout. In any case, whatever you drop in there (say pH up or down or non-organic nutes) and boom! This is instantly a non issue.
Ahh yes,the difference between pH and tds..i didnt think to check it for tds ,not that that would matter..many bottled waters come in at 6-7 pH this walsmart stuff is super high,it says distilled using RO ,prolly just as easy to buy a different water that is closer to at rhe store now,ill get some and check pH cause i have to mix another gallon of overgrow
I have used the Walmart water for the overgrow and my plants for a while now never ever checked it
So rip you sayin just use as is?? I can do that too, just thought id ask.i have seen reports on the different brands of bottled that give the pH,just nothing on the "generic" brand..ill buy some arrowhead since im here,reports put it at around 7( if i remember right)
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I have used the Walmart water for the overgrow and my plants for a while now never ever checked it
Yup i never did either till the other day,but what you both say makes sense..i have an unopened walmart gallon,ill just get another for next time( arrowhead)
So rip you sayin just use as is?? I can do that to just thought id ask.i have seen reports on the different brands of bottled that give rhe pH,just nothing on the "generic" brand..ill buy some arrowhead since im here,reports put it at around 7( if i remember right)
Arrowhead is good and you can use as is . I do all the time.. the last bottle I mixed I used two bottles of Crystal Geyser from the fridge..
Dang,heres a screenie of the (supposed) pH of some waters,good info..and that may be why the reading was so far off/out?!?