Lighting Not getting much frost

Mar 13, 2017
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Was not sure what forum to post this on. But this is one of the best boards opn AFN and my issue might be related to light.

Sorry no pictures but I can get some if necessary.

I read up on trichome development and all the factors involved. Light being one. Temp and humidity as well. Genetics. Invoking stress is good. Nutes can make a difference.

I have 3500 autocobs, one per plant basically. About 20 inches from the canopy now that I'm in full flowering. I also have 600 watt HPS that I thought would help with getting some frost on. But they are cool tubes with glass that i can't remove. And I read that glass blocks UVB light, which is good for frost. But I'm assuming peeps using 3500 autocobs only are getting great frost. So not sure why my lighting would be the issue even if I can't remove the glass. If anything, maybe I have too much light.

My tent has been about 25C/77F lately. Couple of short burst where the temp was higher too. Humidity never above 45% and averaging 40% for the last few weeks. I run lights 24x7. And my tent temps and humidity don't vary much. Its pretty constant.

Plants are DP Think Different at 60 days and Meph Skywalkers at 49 days.

Nutes are Sensi AB Bloom and Overdrive and Carboload.

That's a good summary of the relevant factors I can think of.

Maybe I just need to give it more time. Maybe I don't have an issue other than i don't know about when frost shows up and I'm being impatient.
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But I'm assuming peeps using 3500 autocobs only are getting great frost
Humidity is problematic for sure. My 3500K Autocobs don't produce a lot of frost. The weather under my Autocobs is single digit humidity. The only area that has some decent humidity is the floor of my tent and that doesn't really factor in. Everywhere else in the tent is single digit humidity. I use four thermometers in the tent.
"Frost" or trich/resin production is genetic... Yes, there are things you can do to increase production, but it all comes down to phenos. If you get a "frosty" pheno, then you get a bunch of trichs on leaves.. If you get a not so "frosty" pheno, you wont see trichs all the way out the fan leaves.. But I doubt the light has anything to do with low trich production.
Do you no the PAR value of your cobs?

I just pulled this off of Bigsm0's cobshop website. I do not use reflectors. I don't believe these are units for PAR.

810 ~umoles with reflectors @12"
630 ~umoles @12"

310 ~umoles with reflectors @24"
220 ~umoles @24"
"Frost" or trich/resin production is genetic... Yes, there are things you can do to increase production, but it all comes down to phenos. If you get a "frosty" pheno, then you get a bunch of trichs on leaves.. If you get a not so "frosty" pheno, you wont see trichs all the way out the fan leaves.. But I doubt the light has anything to do with low trich production.

Genetics and light seem to be the two biggest factors for frost from what I have read online, which I know isn't really based on factual proven information. But my genetics should be fine. Meph Skywalker, which I have two of, are known for good resin (my goal is to squish the Skywalkers, not smoke the herb). Mine are on day 49. Journal link is

I have not had any issues with them so far that might decrease resin production, that I know of. Other than yesterday the irrigation line was clogged for a day.
I do not know if it physically produces more trichomes but they will be much higher in THC/CBD with added UVA/UVB. Since I started using the AgroMax Pure Uv T5 my potency is noticeably up. I run it 3 to 4 hours in the middle of the lights on time starting 3 weeks before harvest. Be really careful not to work around this light when it is on not even a couple of minutes.
When they say "light" they are talking about uv-b... Which is related to trich production.. But cobs and most led lights dont use uv/uv-b. Genetics may be good but you still have to consider pheno types. Every offspring is different. I've never had a problem with trich production under my autocobs. But I also feed heavy and lightly stress my plants.

I checked out your journal. Looks like buds are just starting to take shape. They look healthy and happy. I'd give it a few more weeks. You'll be surpised how much change that will happen in the next 14-21 days! But I still don't think the lighting is an issue. Your temps are in range and all seems normal. Give them a few weeks to show what they can do! :d5: