Today's round up

the girls have been doing well, putting on plenty of growth.
Doing so well, I have had to give them another light defoliation.
Every node is now getting relatively direct light, which I need to form a canopy.
Any that get shaded won't make it.
I have before and after pics.


The two pics above are before defoliation.


After defoliation.
It always amazes me how fast it all greens up again!

Picture from two days ago
Two days later. Lots of developing bud sites!

Closer up view of each plant. I'm still bending them and pinning them in place. I am also removing leaves, which are shading any of the bud sites. Checks are done daily.

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My room is full!!!:d5:

I have to raise this lamp up tomorrow.. the plants are to big.. Its kinda like growing with HID ... :pass:like a 600 or 700 watt HPS would give me these results... I have burned a few leaves so i turned it down to 75% so maybe 380 watts or so..


plants are huge!!! :headbang:

Another day another update!

Now so far most of my pictures have been from above to show the development of the bud sites.
So tonight I'll show you how low they are.
Let start with some looking straight down and go down low after!

Now that is low! Lets get those auxins to all the growing tips!


LST is helping to stimulate that growth near the bottom but by tricking the plant instead of chopping it. In nature, if something happens to a plant and the bud that is closest to the light gets blocked, it will try to move around that something. If it can't, then eventually new growth will form lower along the stem to try and send a new shoot out to head towards the light.

When you LST, the reason that you are tying the tip of the plant down is so that the plant gets confused. It is used to producing the auxins in the tip of the plant close to the light. However, because the tip of the plant is pulled down to such a degree, it is not receiving light at the very tip like it used to so it sends the auxins down the stem to produce new sprouts to become new apical buds.
@PhotonLabs I know your rocking the qb's now. Will you still be stocking the cobs and cob parts? I get 2-5 parts list requests a day and your always the number one place I send folks shopping.
Yes will continue to stock. Pin heastinks are back.
There is also a 133mm heatsink along with the 120.
Citizen CLU048 1818 and 1212 are available at lowest prices you will ever find.
Here's what I fished out of the back of the! 41" tall, in a one gallon pot! She stretched because she was 1/2 as tall as the big Blue Dragon and had to catch up.....and she did! But what surprised me most was the branching looked this good! And I believe this is one of my Azure Duck, note the thin branches, a Ducksfoot trait.

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