Yes I transition, but more quickly. I added a 50/50 mix to the remaining couple of gallons of veg nutes. I've only ran stright bloom nutes for a week, they didn't like it! So I'm back to 50/50 and they are doing fine now.

Did you transition into bloom nutrients or just add it in? Once they start stretching it's best to keep going with the veg nutrients so they continue to grow more. Once the stretch starts slowing then gradually add in bloom nutrients. This is the biggest thing I see people overlook and can really hurt the potential growth of a plant at its most critical time. It also seems to yellow up the leaves and most lower ones die off.
Things are now starting to look rosier !
I found out I don't have cancer, I am so relieved!
The doctors were convinced I did and when the results came back I found out I don't have it!
It was some sort of lymph condition I forget the name the doc did tell me but I forget the medical term!
They removed quiet a bit of the growth when they biopsied and I don't need any further operations!!
I have also had my maintenance done to my flat, so no more entry by unwanted types!
I have spent the last three days sorting out my cab and it is 99% done with a few bit'n'pieces to tidy up!
I need to tidy the flat and find everything to start the grow, it is all in boxes so I'll have to search it out.
I'm gonna drop the seeds tomorrow and finally get this grow going.
I wish I could have started sooner but life conspired against me and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches when that happens!
Life can now return to normal and I look forward to this grow!

WOOOOOOOOooooooooooo HOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo! Let's all smoke one for Arty!

Great news!

Things are now starting to look rosier !
I found out I don't have cancer, I am so relieved!
The doctors were convinced I did and when the results came back I found out I don't have it!
It was some sort of lymph condition I forget the name the doc did tell me but I forget the medical term!
They removed quiet a bit of the growth when they biopsied and I don't need any further operations!!
I have also had my maintenance done to my flat, so no more entry by unwanted types!
I have spent the last three days sorting out my cab and it is 99% done with a few bit'n'pieces to tidy up!
I need to tidy the flat and find everything to start the grow, it is all in boxes so I'll have to search it out.
I'm gonna drop the seeds tomorrow and finally get this grow going.
I wish I could have started sooner but life conspired against me and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches when that happens!
Life can now return to normal and I look forward to this grow!

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Hey arty that's fantastic. I have been thinking about the situation for this past week and these results are exactly what I wanted to hear. Take a deep breath brother. Your good!
Thanks brother!
Deep breath and breath out ahhhhh!:zen:
Things are finally getting back on track!
Thank you for your kind words!!
Passing to BigSm0 :pass: