they are getting some nice frost on them!

UPDATE: Temps 76F RH falling at 56% and the distance is currently at 25 inches from the main canopy. 22 or so to the taller two i have. they are already stressed so Im not too too concerned about an ideal grow until next round since I slammed it on em a bit earlier in the grow LOL they re still letting me know they aint cool wit dat LOL :D

other than that ,they have greened up a fair amount and Im happy about that. hit them again in a day or two with a drench of something. not sure what yet. it'll contain B-2 I now that :D thanks!!

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Optic Foliar

Sprayed the ladies this morning. An observation is that the plants treated with Overgrow seem to be a lighter green in color. Other than that, I see very little difference.

This is the first time I've used bloom nutrients during flower, in the auto pots. I noticed early signs of ph issues so I tested the res and ph was 6.57. I beleive someone else running Hawaiian Bud had this problem of rising ph. I mixed a new batch of nutrients, this time I used 50% Sea Grow and 50% Hawaiin Bud. I lower the ph in the solution to 6.00 and added it to the res. I waited a bit and tested the res again and ph was 6.25. Seems to be holding fairly well with the mixed nutes. ph is now 6.3. I ph to 6.1 to 6.3 through out my grows. Color came back to the leaves quickly so I caught this in time for a And THAT is why I don't like bottled nutes! Going to try a different bloom nutrient next time, but my other set of pots are going to be organic soil, to hell with all this screwing around. I've been working on a new soil mix and early results are looking good! If I can adapt it to the auto pots, then I'll have a winner. Then I can get back to: Plant, water, wait...harvest! KISS is the only way to grow! I don't know why 1/2 the people here are bugshit crazy from dealing with freaking!

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F1 pic1 -11-20-2016.jpg
F2 pic1 -11-20-2016.jpg
F3 pic1 -11-20-2016.jpg
F4 pic1 -11-20-2016.jpg
Did you transition into bloom nutrients or just add it in? Once they start stretching it's best to keep going with the veg nutrients so they continue to grow more. Once the stretch starts slowing then gradually add in bloom nutrients. This is the biggest thing I see people overlook and can really hurt the potential growth of a plant at its most critical time. It also seems to yellow up the leaves and most lower ones die off.
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