well I actually did mine on purpose to see the difference compared to a cpl other lights I have. just wanted to see the intensity for myself and discoloration since it give both. you could avoid the heating stress acspect some but then the wind burn would take effect and then you'd have light and wind stress over light and heat LOL so thats why Im jonsing to hit the ground running on the second go round but so far Im also very happy with how they've recovered and continue to do really well only slightly discolored now so thats cool LOL!
Right on brother Eyes!:d5:
You'll knock it out of the park next grow!!:cheers:
These light truly rock and from what I have already seen of your plants, they are doing great stuff!
If they frost up any more your gonna need to get a snow shovel lol!:smoking:
well I actually did mine on purpose to see the difference compared to a cpl other lights I have. just wanted to see the intensity for myself and discoloration since it give both. you could avoid the heating stress acspect some but then the wind burn would take effect and then you'd have light and wind stress over light and heat LOL so thats why Im jonsing to hit the ground running on the second go round but so far Im also very happy with how they've recovered and continue to do really well only slightly discolored now so thats cool LOL!

A strange discovery with my last grow under cobs which I thought was signs of light/heat stress. I eventually raised the cobs to double the recommended height to combat the issues with little change. This current grow I tripled the calmag every feed and the difference is out of this world. I always added calmag in but never this much. Lights are now 20" closer than last run with very perky and green leaves. Growth has doubled and an overall perfect looking crop. I can't explain how exciting the change has been.
3X the cal mag? thats messed up LOL! not sure I wanna go there, I woud have to read some first but an interesting thing though. I have also had similar things happen to me with soil too. and T5's looked almost identical as well hence my desire to slap my plants with the Photon device LOL

but ill try dbl on a cpl and see what we see. i'll keep them at 22-24 or so inches until another time. Im buggin out cuz I want myt soil to be done.LOL another week maybe or so. then i can get planting again.LOL Im sorry I dont have a cpl more fruits to do. but some stone works seem in order next round as I wanna do me some Stones man LOL!
I've kept my light between 20-24" and so far, so good. I saw this morning a little light burn on the tips of one plant. It was 17" from the light.

A strange discovery with my last grow under cobs which I thought was signs of light/heat stress. I eventually raised the cobs to double the recommended height to combat the issues with little change. This current grow I tripled the calmag every feed and the difference is out of this world. I always added calmag in but never this much. Lights are now 20" closer than last run with very perky and green leaves. Growth has doubled and an overall perfect looking crop. I can't explain how exciting the change has been.
I continue to add cal/mag to every gallon of water. I set mine by ppm and even with this light, 90-120 ppm caL/mag works fine, as usual. Add the cal/mag to your water FIRST. Also, I've discovered that cal/mag seems to work in distilled and RO water better than tap water.

A strange discovery with my last grow under cobs which I thought was signs of light/heat stress. I eventually raised the cobs to double the recommended height to combat the issues with little change. This current grow I tripled the calmag every feed and the difference is out of this world. I always added calmag in but never this much. Lights are now 20" closer than last run with very perky and green leaves. Growth has doubled and an overall perfect looking crop. I can't explain how exciting the change has been.
Same strain, same lights same everything. I was feeding 1/2 strength in the first pic which brought me to 700-800ppm and you can see burnt tips, yellow stressed looking plants.

I'm now at 1.5-2 tsp per gallon and also needing to feed every 30 hours in 5&7 gallon pots. The nute strength is up to 1500ppm and no burnt tips at all. Very healthy and happy. Leaves shooting sky high
Same strain, same lights same everything. I was feeding 1/2 strength in the first pic which brought me to 700-800ppm and you can see burnt tips, yellow stressed looking plants. View attachment 658581

I'm now at 1.5-2 tsp per gallon and also needing to feed every 30 hours in 5&7 gallon pots. The nute strength is up to 1500ppm and no burnt tips at all. Very healthy and happy. Leaves shooting sky highView attachment 658584View attachment 658588
Which ppm scale are you using Sm0? 500, 650 or 750?
Of course it is possible your using another ppm scale but the 500,650 & 750 ppm scales are the most commonly used.
To know which scale you use the makes your measurement more usable as we can relate it to that scale.
I use EC as it is a more universal measurement across meters but there are pro's and cons to using all the measuring methods & scales but as
long as we know which scale is being used we can all understand what the strength of the nutrient is.
yeah what did me in is I kept mine there for overe a week less thean 20 inches. prolly like 17 inches or so. LOL theyre green just tips and thats light and possibly soil. i disagree its cal mag related as of yet. ill have a different view point though once MY soil is done and boosted the way I like,then we'll see. 6-12 drops per gallon depending and I wont use any more during my second grow. and really this grow too. and its doign great short of the early stress. but Im stoked to see them fully flower.

I totally would buy one of those $89 dollar kits. you would buy what around 250 USD or 300 USD to buy the other gear? so sounds like a deal to me. gonna have to source some parts though. I like that online components place,aint bad.
Which ppm scale are you using Sm0? 500, 650 or 750?
Of course it is possible your using another ppm scale but the 500,650 & 750 ppm scales are the most commonly used.
To know which scale you use the makes your measurement more usable as we can relate it to that scale.
I use EC as it is a more universal measurement across meters but there are pro's and cons to using all the measuring methods & scales but as
long as we know which scale is being used we can all understand what the strength of the nutrient is.
The monitor says x700 below ppm. I know I'm feeding an insane amount of nutes every feed but considering their health they like it. I'm adding everything at full strength and calmag is just about double.