oh yeah Im certain I will too. keep that all seeing eye ball out on the prowl :D LOL! I would love the Dream Team Light for me a fully squared and cobs all over it with of course a lotta pin syncs too, but the yeild would be beautifully perfect LOL! yeah the Fruits smell great so far.have an update before long too :)
Hi Mobo

what a lovely looking plant, she is doing very well under you COB light!:d5:
Let me lend a hand here though, due to autos having a limited life span (approx 14-21 days to start flowering and then a 6-8 flowering period approx)
You will find you get a better yield with a long light period say 16-8 on,off or 20-4 on,off. Personally I run mine 24/7 on, with no dark period.This method isn't everyone way of doing it but I get good results.
One thing to remember is that autos are different from photperiod cannabis, which means they don't need the 12/12 light period to induce flowering , they are on a set biological timer and will start to flower after 14-21 days on average with out adjusting you light/dark period.
Nice to dee you have given defoliation ago, I find it a great technique as long as you don't go to crazy with the plucking.
I like the fact that you also used different Kelvin temps for veg and flower, that should give great results.
I have only used 3500K through out the veg/flower periods but still had an excellent yield but you targeted approach should do even better!
Have your self a great grow and good to see your loving Photon Labs wares!
all the best

What's going on Arty. I think we may have some confusion going on here. My three autos stay in the 5K veg tent at an 18/6 light schedule. They do not take up space in my Flower tent. I would eventually like to have a tent just for my autos and working towards that we will see. As the SH from mephisto really has helped my nerve pain.

The plant pictured above is a Sativa photo period plant and that's why I am running her 12/12 for flower. :eyebrows:

There are always many projects in my garden brother. Sorry for any confusion but thanks kindly anyhow for the advice. :pass:
Thanks arty. I think I'll stick with the citi's. Impressive numbers but a hassle trying to match parts again. With a 150 non vero mountable heatsinks coming the numbers are not worth the switch. I am very happy to see the specs though. Every company besides the long delayed Cree arrival seems to be pushing the limits. A another step forward for mankind lol. This time next year we will be seeing the standard at 65% I'm sure. 200lm/w if my math and previous charts are correct
UPDANK: The temps are 76F and RH is about 52% distance is 22 inches last I checked and they are not moving much. stressed from the early light power cuz I was close and pushing it some. but thats why I was talking about the second grow. LOL! cuz now that I know the light a little better the second one(regardless of the strain) will be FAR FAR FAAARRR better imo. atleast for me,PLUS ill have MY SOIL WEEEE. Im stoked too cuz Im not often out of my soil but using that Kind Soil for a spell really hosed me up man. but aside from that ill be back on track by the time this thing get fired up again for another round. back to back as usual :D but loving the frost,the poenetration seems great so far,i did turn the power down to about 65% or so. leaves on a cpl are kinda pissed LOL swut I get for slamming them with Photon Labs LLC ,oop er I mean Photons LMAO! bigger strains,better soil and far more stoned than I am currently and we have a winner ladies n germaphobes :D C ya then there and in between :) plants have a lovely green over all I'd say.

They are looking fantastic Eyes, just look at that frost!!
I'm afraid COBs can be a bit of a surprize first time you use them.
People aren't used to such fantastically bright lights, especially from LEDs too.
Your right too much intense light can stunt them when they are young, this can be turned to an advantage when growing in small space with little head room ie a PC case lol!
I can't wait to see you rock your next grow , I know it will be a lot ore dialed in!
However it is awesome to know that these lights kick arse and that if you raise em higher you'll get an even bigger coverage per square foot!
These ladies are gonna look truly outstanding by the time they are ready for the chop.
I look forwards to the updates!!
i spent a WEEK LOOKING FOR dead cat in my greenhouse. Turns out it was the Critcal 2.0.................. STANKY!

I can't wait to start Eyes, as soon as I have had the operation and get the all clear, I'm there with your guys.
You are doing a wonderful job of rocking these lights, I can't wait to see you guys fully set, COB lights are the mutts nuts.
Your right "Fruit Auto" is one of Dinafems smaller strains but it's a goodie.If you want to go bigger any of the XXL strains will do you proud!
If you want a suggestion then try dinafems Critical + 2.0 great stone with a nice lemony taste and yields well.
I am in total agreement with you Photon labs rocks:headbang: and a massive thanks to Amit for being a straight up dude and for giving this oppertunity to show case his kits but don't forget folk Northern Grow Lights as so sell of the peg ready to go COB grow lights if you don't want to fiddle with making your own.
Having said that I love to build things and Photon Labs is a fantastic place to get your parts and components, I especially love their 420 frames.
There is a whole load of new COBs coming out so Check Photon Labs and see whats on offer in the near future.
Thank you bro, yeah just pushing it in close distance to really see what they do. LMAO now that I know what they do over photoned..er if thats a word.works for me though LMFAO! They've been PHOTON'D LOL! yeah the second grow is gonna kill, AND ill have MY SOIL too,MAJOR big deal since I havent had my soil much of this growing season so that'll be a nice chance from extra fuckery from the soils end LOL! Thanks again bro, Im super stoked. I wanna buy another on of these with maybe a 5 or 6K COB. i love veg performance in autos with T5's. so Id love to VEG the crap outta these one day and see what we see :D