This should be the team banner:

pyramids of evidence.jpg
And I had someone reply once: " I don't care about science I know it works!".................
Trying to figure what side that statement falls into. Hmm..
I don't think there is a picture I have seen on the net that I like as much as this one. Lol

Engineers on the left and PretenGineers on the right.
Week 4, Day 4

Upped my nutrient solution to 635 ppms. Just 2 days and you can see the darker color beginning. All plants looking very healthy! And the surprise plant is once again, the plant I broke the rootball on! F1, to her left, is now only slightly larger than this plant, F2.

The plant being treated with Optic Foliar Overgrow are doing quite well also. I'm having some impressive growth on the plant that was started later as a replacement Very good size for her age! Maybe the Overgrow? Hard to say just yet.

Going to mix my nutes 75/25 grow and bloom as F4, the largest plant is in flower. I want to youngest plant to get more N for at least another week, then I'll go to full bloom nutes.

picture color is inconsistent because light from my veg cab was leaking in and screwing up my pics.

All test grow plants -11-3-2016.jpg
F1 pic1 -11-3-2016.jpg
F2 pic1 -11-3-2016.jpg
F3 pic1 -11-3-2016.jpg
F4 pic1 -11-3-2016.jpg
ducksfoot pic1 -11-3-2016.jpg
that 10" fan hanging in there makes a huge difference in the heatsink temps too! There were hot, but bareable to touch, now just a little warm. Hoping next week to get a new infrared heat probe. I'm wondering if they'd handle 100 watts with the fan on them.