Non cannabis gardening . And things .

@Waira Took some toil off today , 1/2 a day , had a 1/2 gram of cob and got this done . I have the next 2 days off and want it all done . I will get a ute load of mulch tomorrow , Soon as the sun is up I am off to get it , It has been very hot and humid for this time of year . I think will will be in for a mild winter , And yes I know what you guys are thinking :biggrin: But yes it does , I am not going to tell how cold because you cheeky buggers will give me a hard time . :haha: Here is the veggie garden so far ,
:passit:yeah, I was gonna ask how the Cob's are treating you, and how you have been figuring your dosage... it takes some trials but I imagine you know your onions now,..unless you get an especially potent batch!:dizzy:

A mild Winter veggie garden you say? :rofl: Does that include another pet leek? .... looking pretty well set up mate, what do you have planned?
If this soil was anymore alive it would grow legs . This is the fun part when you build you own . I can sit and look at it and see a mini world . The next photo is off my big bin . The round looking things are banana stems sliced thin .
Your soil DOES have legs, cillia, pseudopods and everything else I'd wager! Someday Hec, look for a dissecting scope or even a basic microscope and take deeper look into your soils - :eyebrows:. it'll be a bit of practice making low magnification slides for the microscope, but worth the effort... Know anybody like a biology teacher, an Ag' lab, something like that? I'm certain your soil is fizzing with all manner of microlife, a fascinating parade of creatures to see...:greenthumb:
Things slowing down slightly, finally moving some of my" rescues from wife miracle grows" over. Shotglass full of care n fert followed by a 5 gal. bucket of LITFA.
View attachment 1307773
Amaryllis culitvars are always a treat, these painted-pattern ones in particular....
View attachment 1307868 niiiice! Amaryllis culitvars are always a treat, these painted-pattern ones in particular....
Yup, just gonna keep growing and splitting them. Looking for my shampoo ginger that I gave my dad to pop up so I can mark spots for transplanting later. Daughter in law wanted 1 so I told her to did one up. Afraid she might have gotten the whole rhizome set cause she sent her son over to did it up and he's not know for being carefull.
So my bud plants see a growth spurt after transplanting. Is this the same for strawberries and raspberries? I could either keep them in their containers for another week and then plant them directly in the ground, or I could pot them up, put them in the high tunnel for a few weeks, and then plant them.
Just mixed up a little top dressing for the non-nitro fixers.
1) Composted chicken manure
2) Ground rabbit manure
3) Dried & ground banana peels
4) Fish bone meal
5) Dried coffee grounds
6) Epsom salts
7) Chelated iron
8) Chelated manganese
9) Kelp
10) Ground egg shells
11) Blood meal
12) Will be watered in with Recharge.

It’s amazing how well the potted plants & trees respond to mixes like this. It’s really fun & fascinating.
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