@Waira Took some toil off today , 1/2 a day , had a 1/2 gram of cob and got this done . I have the next 2 days off and want it all done . I will get a ute load of mulch tomorrow , Soon as the sun is up I am off to get it , It has been very hot and humid for this time of year . I think will will be in for a mild winter , And yes I know what you guys are thinking

But yes it does , I am not going to tell how cold because you cheeky buggers will give me a hard time .

Here is the veggie garden so far ,

If this soil was anymore alive it would grow legs . This is the fun part when you build you own . I can sit and look at it and see a mini world . The next photo is off my big bin . The round looking things are banana stems sliced thin .
This next one is where I get my juice from . This is my idea of a flowering based juice . So more P.K leaning , Not hard to do .
Even the little snails do there job . What you see on the top of both is the way I feed the worms , I use as much as I can get from around me .
When building soils you also have to think about what climate you are in . Temp - Humidity - play are big part in building soil .
@Jraven grows shit hot plants in trying positions , Why , because he knows is environment . now think about this ,

From start to finish , lets say 12 weeks.
Autos , That is 3 months , You can build a awesome soil in that time frame , even if you can only make small amounts , lets say 20 kg , there ya go , Make soil and next grow you have 12 week cured soil . It is a dead easy way of growing if you want to . What man is doing is really cool .
@dankstyle J You brother .
I like it .