New Grower NL autos

looking good and growing fast :smokeit:
keep er lit
ah! wait a sec, thoze aren't really "white" tipz are they, but rather tipz that have "twisty-tied" upside down, right-?...and then after they grow out a bit, they right themselvez & all is good, right-? i'm askin cuz mine do the same thing, regardless of plant, medium, lightz, feed, etc & i've jus never quite figgered it out, lol :shrug: :rolleyes2: ppp

Hahahaha ya after closer inspection that is what is going on. Just the belly of the leaf. :peace:
Hahahaha ya after closer inspection that is what is going on. Just the belly of the leaf. :peace:

ok, well, be sure & clue a guy in if ya figger it out, cuz me totally perplexed :doh: :smoking: ppp

edit: do ur fanz run during lightz out-? i mean jus the reg circulation fanz blowin air around the tent...i run 18/6, and i've alwayz had all fanz go off 20 min after lightz off, then back on 20 min before lightz on...that'z me latest hunch, idk :shrug:
ok, well, be sure & clue a guy in if ya figger it out, cuz me totally perplexed :doh: :smoking: ppp

edit: do ur fanz run during lightz out-? i mean jus the reg circulation fanz blowin air around the tent...i run 18/6, and i've alwayz had all fanz go off 20 min after lightz off, then back on 20 min before lightz on...that'z me latest hunch, idk :shrug:

I keep the air moving 24/7 in the tent.
NL autos day 29
Such a good site to see:jump:

day 29.JPG