Grow Room Nirvana Northern Lights - Fish Tank Grow

i have anxiety, depression and insomnia to. i am schizophrenic (this does not mean i have multiple personalitys as the media would lead you to believe) and the only thing that cures almost all of my symptoms is cannabis. im also on my first grow and its also nirvana northern lights auto lol. my girls been above ground for 3 days now and i cant believe how fast they grow. literally everytime i look at it its got bigger lol. im in the uk that has some fucked up laws when it comes to weed, but id rather take the risk and get my medication myself as the weed on the streets is ALWAYS contaminated and mouldy and is always a different strain. i cant afford to buy on the streets anymore. i refuse to go back to the prescription medication, what little good they do is always countered with a long list of negative side effects. the only negative side effect to cannabis for me is the price of buying on the street and the risk of getting arrested. if they want to arrest me for choosing to no longer fund organised crime and grow my own, then fine, great work cameron.

sorry for the rant lol, good luck with your grow
So the plant turned toward the light and the way the level of the dirt us in the pot, I can't get more of a bend to get the top lower.

So I am using a combination of both, the dental floss to guide the direction I want it to go, and the pipe cleaner to hold it down low.

On a side note the reason for the low soils depth was to keep plant to a lower height.
Watered my girl with half strength fish nutes, still LST'ing. Used a little over a half gallon. She is so bushy at the top as soon as she perks up she adjusts and covers most of the bud sites, within two hours she if standing straight up.
22 days old. I want to know how big she would be if I would not be LST'ing her. She seems small to me, wonder if it is because I broke the tap root in the beginning.


I think next grow though it will be cramped I am going 2 grow 2 side by side, LST one, and let the other one grow until she starts to flower then tie her to get more light.
On a side note, I am 44, so not old, but older than many that frequent these boards.

If 44 was old i'd be a freakin' dinosaur then! :rofl:

Best of luck with the NL. I just started one myself. The purple stem got me too. Thought the cold got to her. :gthumb:
Hi there, sad to head your story, but hopefully with staring to grow for yourself you can get a steady supply of medicine and get healthier! I am also searching for strains that can help with depression/anxiety and can be taken in the daytime so will be watching this thread.
Happy growing!
Well, I knew my grow was going to well. Finally having my first problems. Have some leaf tips turning brown, and though I also have the occasional white dot here and there.

My assumptions are nute burn from the Alaska Fish Ferts and possibly a hot spot in Miracle Grow Organic. As for the white dots I am assuming some kind of infestation.

Here are a few pics for any feedback anyone wants to give.


I don't have a PH tester so I am flying blind there. Will get one for next grow now that I am back at work.

I am going to go with straight water for next week or two, and also going with a habenero pepper spray to kill anything that might be there but I don't see any infestations. I figured better safe then sorry.
Doused her twice with Habanero spray, a few hours apart.

Watered her and while I was up poking around at the Hydro Store, and saw EWC, a small package for a dollar, figured I would try it out as a top dressing.

Here is what she is looking like tonight.

Day 30 and though life was shitty today, my plant brought me some joy. She finally showed her lady parts. These pics aren't great, ill try to get some better ones.

Here are the latest pics, she is growing like crazy, and I have bud sights everywhere. I am really excited.

These are day 32 from seed.
