Lighting NG420 Auto Glueberry OG by Duth Passion - Skyline 600+400mk2 guys are lucky lol. I haven't been allowed to purchase any new beans in over a year lol. Missing out dude!! I have to use the ones I have left still or wifey will have a few things to copy? Lol. So I am stuck with Mephisto classics until then.
I could be much worse lol
[HASHTAG]#firstworldproblems[/HASHTAG] :haha:

hahaha @Autobot-J It's good that she limits you, having a good few Mephistos in the bank to pop. Their strains sound so good!! iI have had to ban myself... until 4/20. Talk of the next grow really got me thinking! :crying:
Update time! Before i start, just to let you know this is over 2 posts because of the amount of pictures.

Here were are on day 58 and things are going ok here. Here are some group photos of the girls. It is hard to get them all in the same picture with them being on risers etc but here are a couple of angles nevertheless.

I have improved the quality of the photos so I hope you guys can see the difference and enjoy the better clarity.


group 4.jpg
group 3.jpg
group 2.jpg

They are coming along nicely and are still all drinking at different times however the nutes are pretty much the same. I think next time If I start cal mag earlier then I won’t have the trouble of deficiency down the line.

Currently when feeding the pH I aim to keep between 6-6.5 with an EC of between 1.9-2. I have been doing some research and I think I am going to use something called C-Result for the next grow. Check it out, it seems good. I know a few growers who are using it and claim the bud sites doubled… I don’t believe these things till I experience them for myself haha. Just a heads up.

Here is what was the smallest plant… She is still doing well and is stretching into her space nicely. I was worried that she was not directly under a light. But judging by her growth i don’t think it matters. I think she will take a few weeks longer but will be as good as these if not better. She has got the most space to stretch out of the lot.

I don’t ever touch the buds but I did give a little poke with my little finger and all of these girls are mad dense and sticky. Especially 2-4


Plant 2, the shortest and fattest girl is looking good. She is swelling more and more and I can’t wait until she frosts up.


I made a bit of an adjustment RE the temp probe. I read that if the probe is in radiant light the reading will be wrong and you should aim to keep it out of direct light, thus under the shade of a leaf. As you can see I have stuck it in the thick of plant number 2. This has. Increased the temp about 4 degrees and I have seen a significant difference in the rate the pots dry. Hopefully this will mean during them. Putting on the most weight in the final few weeks I can really hammer down on the temps. You can see that here. can you see it....

temp probe 2.jpg
temp probe.jpg

In other news, I am getting another 400 Skyline and setting up a small veg tent where I can put the next run of autos to veg as these finish. I’ll be doing this in the week that I hit flush… Then the chop to hang dry leaving 10/14 days and then a 4-6week cure.

I want to try to fit 4 20l smart pots into this tent and just germinate the seed in the soil and not mess about with transplanting… So the cogs are turning lol.

Back to it, the next lady number 3 I was slightly worried about not being as strong, but she has also accelerated and is oozing frost and swelling daily.


Moving on to plant 4. Im sure you all know her as my little runt but MAN she is beautiful. Her buds are starting to really pile on the frost and throw out all sorts of purply pinks and blues. She is the fruitiest smelling and so sticky!


Plant 5 is looking good still to!! I am really impressed with the buds to leaf on this girl, looks like she will be easy enough to trim. Her stature speaks for itself and she is a beauty. She seems to be throwing the white hairs out and hasn’t really started frosting over from the larger buds but the smaller side ones are covered in THC. The fattest part of the main cola is about 2.5 inches at the moment.


Heres a few more group ones.

side shot p2:3.jpg

p 1:4:5.jpg

Anyway that’s it for this post. I am sorry for the delay but things are busy. As always if you, can give any advice or anything I am doing wrong just let me know!!

I did learn a tip from @The Architect after looking at one of his grows. I am aiming one of the clip fans directly at the fabric pots after feeding to increase the rate of feeding hopefully and see if we can get these any fatter. Every little helps, lol. So thank you very much mate for that little tip!!!

Stay blessed everyone.
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Anyway that’s it for this post. I am sorry for the delay but things are busy. As always if you, can give any advice or anything I am doing wrong just let me know!!

I did learn a tip from @The Architect after looking at one of his grows. I am aiming one of the clip fans directly at the fabric pots after feeding to increase the rate of feeding hopefully and see if we can get these any fatter. Every little helps, lol. So thank you very much mate for that little tip!!!

Stay blessed everyone.
hello all!!

Time for a new update, the girls have hit day 65 today and are kicking up a stink, these bitches reek! :crying::crying:

group 1.jpg
group 3.jpg

group 2.jpg

I took a few to get different angles.

Here is plant 1, lagging a little behind but seems happy enough.

p1 top.jpg
p1 close.jpg

I think she will be a decent size when shes done.

Here is number 2.

p2 close.jpg
p2 top.jpg

A little bit of swell since the last post on all of the girls, which means were going in the right direction :eyebrows::eyebrows:

Plant 3

p3 close.jpg
p3 top.jpg

Plant 4 (Runt)

I should probably stop calling her this because shes awesome. Really frosty and fruity berry smell, super dank. If her buds were tighter she would be perfect! but i am pleased nevertheless.

p 4 close 2.jpg


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Plant 5.

And finally onto the last one! girl number 5. The biggest and baddest bitch of them all!

p5 close.jpg

I will let the pictures and the lights do the talking... as i am so baked, i . have fallen asleep twice uploading this shit


Have a great day everyone. til next time, peace.