Nutrients Next Grow Ideas...RTI Extreme

Apr 1, 2018
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So, I am only about two weeks into my current grow, and am already starting to plan out things for my next go around. I am currently using my own whipped together soil blend that consists of:

9 gal's Black Gold Seedling Mix
2.5 gal's Perlite (washed, sorry to steal your colander, babe)
Earthworm Castings at the rate of 1 cup per gallon of seedling mix
Half strength 0-5-0 Bat Guano
Full strength powdered Azomite
Full strength granular Endo Mycorrhizae

I am using Dr. Earth Organic liquid Bloom fert, as well as their Seaweed (Kelp), and have Primordial Solutions Sea Green, as well as FF Kangaroots and Microbe Brew, and a soluble silica additive. I combine these items custom to create NPK values that are generally suggested as safe in the appropriate dose for auto's. My last grow did great besides a little CalMag related issue due the LED.

So, in thinking about ways to make things more simplified for myself (even though I enjoy being scientific and mathematic in custom blending) I started thinking about a product we sold at the feed store that a lot of giant pumpkin growers use, RTI Extreme Azos (in combination with their Mykos). Does anyone on here have any Azos experience with auto's? I know some people that use it for photo's with positive results, but am not sure if it would be overkill for auto's?

For anyone who does not know, Azos is the Azospirillum brasilense bacteria that converts atmospheric nitrogen into ammoniacal nitrogen, according to RTI it is capable of delivering 50-70% (roughly) of needed Nitrogen, to most plants/crops.

My basic idea is to simply change from Root Naturally Myco powder to the RTI Mykos, so it is already in the soil, and of course hit the roots with it at transplant, and use Azos in addition to this. Otherwise, I would leave everything else alone so it is fairly controlled compared to my last grow. I will even use all of my supplemental products, as needed, until I figure out just how gentle I can go on nutes. Ultimately, I would love to nix all the liquids except maybe the Sea Green as it is an excellent foliar spray for tiny plants, and molasses to feed the microbes.

I would love any and all feedback on this setup, especially from people who have used these RTI Extreme products. Happy growing!
I am very surprised nobody has used Azos in here. I got a free kit on the way from Nectar For The Gods, so I am going to try this Azos/Mykos combo side by side against NTFG lineup Spartan Regime, dialed down a touch at first at least. Same soil setup for both.