New Grower New to forum, first grow journal of first ever grow!

Well now you know the correct weight and it's okay to water a little bit earlier than what you did[emoji106]

yeah, i noticed it only started drooping going on the 5th day, so i figure if i water a little before that ,then i should be good. could probably get away with every 3rd day even , but now i know the pot weight and when soil is dry on top and down sides. i had originally been worried about overwatering because there was still some slight moisture deeper down in soil. but appears that slight moisture isnt enough for the plant, so ill adjust accordingly. so glad im getting the hang of this, and im keeping accurate logs so will help big time for the next grow. until then ill just focus on keeping this girl happy and healthy.

I'll post new progress pics in a couple days when she is on official start of third week. so far i would say its doing extremly well for the 2 week 5 day mark, and ill update progress weekly after that. So stay tuned!
lift up pot,the only method i could get my head round.if you have a spare 3g pot and a spare 3g of soil,fill the pot and stick it in the corner as a its so easy to forget what a light pot feels like.theres that word again feel.i had no idea growing a plant was so tricky when i started,total lack of instructions.i underwatered,overwatered,underfed,overfed i done it all.
all the sparkly jazzy stuff happens 2nd half of grows anyway bi weekly could see some good changes in growth late on.
you getting the hang of things,can take a while but i think youl pick it up quick.
good luck n keep er lit
well hello again to all who are following along and viewing my grow journal. figured it was time for a little update, partialy to show off my plant that think is doing well, but mainly to just get some feedback on the grow. she is 23 days old today. i upped my nutes from 1/4 strenghth to 1/2 strength the other day when i watered her. rh is currently sitting around 41%, temps are 24c. my light is still sitting at around 20 to 22 inches above plant. i measured it today and its clocking in at around 3 inches in height, but appears to be very bushy. every node is shooting out new branches. im actually kind of a little worried becasue it hasnt grown much for height but lots of leaves, im concerned that light might not be able to penetrate to well to the new branches forming, even though they appear to be doing well. i keep waiting for this thing to get tall enough to start lst. want to be able to maximize all that lower branch growth. perhaps its still to early in growth to lst? im still waiting for the magical stretch there supposed to do. is this something i should be getting concerned about? or are things running on track as they typically should be? dont get me wrong id be very happy if this thing stays short and bushy, just wondering about that lower branch growth.
heres a few pics to check out. all in all im pleased with how things seem to be going. i havent ran into any hiccups regarding the grow really. I must be lucky!
also i decided at harvest im going to do the "water cure" on the entire harvest. been reading good things about it, and the smoother the smoke the better. and cutting way back on the smell for me is a huge bonus!.

If anyone thinks the "bushy" of my plant might cause issues im welcoming any advice. honestly im new to the whole led grow light thing, so im not sure how well they can penetrate. but everything is green and doing well at any rate, i think.
If plant looks a little bent its becasue i was testing the bend in the stem, but i think shes still to short to start lst on. when i bend it over a bit i notice a bunch of leaves just end up all over lapping each other and pressing into the dirt, so definitly think i need to wait for some stretch to happen.

Probably is a little bit short and squat at this point, I might try raising my lights up a bit. Going a little bit longer between watering. Then if you're feeding any nitrogen right now I would reduce it a little bit. See if those things don't Kickstart some vertical growth for you.
Probably is a little bit short and squat at this point, I might try raising my lights up a bit. Going a little bit longer between watering. Then if you're feeding any nitrogen right now I would reduce it a little bit. See if those things don't Kickstart some vertical growth for you.

i did just increase the nutes yesterday when i watered it, i was actually under the impression that more nutes would encourage more growth. perhaps i was wrong, as far as the watering schedule goes i tend to wait until i start to see signs of leaf slightly drooping, are you saying that i should actually let it really start to droop?
i can definitly raise my light higher up, im just not sure exactly how much higher i should raise it? i only have about 5 inches i can raise it with my rope ratchets, i could probably get another few inches out of it if i removed the rope hangers and just hun right on crossbar. its only a 136 watt at the wall lamp. i have been sticking to the recommended light height. im suprised that it would actually be too much light,lol. i know the specs on this plant say a height of 40 to 80 cm. ince ive never grown this strain or any strain before its hard to tell if its just a naturally short plant or not. all i know is that i havent run tino any problems that i could see causing any stunted growth (as far as deficiencies or things like that anyway). in some respects i like the short height since im limited to grow height. but also want to try and maximise plants potential as much as i can allow.
I know from reading the sticky "life cycle of autoflower" it says around the 3rd week it should start to throw pistols, i havent seen any of those yet. and weeks 4 -6 its supposed to start pre flower and really start explosive vertical growth. so im kind of in a canundrum of maybe its just going to take longer to finish and hasnt hit its growth stage yet maybe. wold raising my light those 5 inches make much of a difference? i would have thought i should be getting ready to lower light, ha ha not the other way around.
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im also running a 24 hour light schedule, could this have to do with the plant being so short (no dark time for any stretch?) ive read that 24h is perfectly fine for autos and can help maxamize growth, but should i maybe look at switching to a 20/4 schedule.

This is a 100 percent pure indica strain, i dont know if that makes a difference at all. i know sativas or indicaswith sativa mixed in tend to grow taller.
or perhaps maybe mine is just going to grow to the lower end of the height spectrum? so hard to tell, at least it seems to be hhealthy and constantly putting out new growth.
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im also running a 24 hour light schedule, could this have to do with the plant being so short (no dark time for any stretch?) ive read that 24h is perfectly fine for autos and can help maxamize growth, but should i maybe look at switching to a 20/4 schedule.
I've run 24/0 for a few years now, and had no problems..:pass:
i did just increase the nutes yesterday when i watered it, i was actually under the impression that more nutes would encourage more growth. perhaps i was wrong, as far as the watering schedule goes i tend to wait until i start to see signs of leaf slightly drooping, are you saying that i should actually let it really start to droop?
i can definitly raise my light higher up, im just not sure exactly how much higher i should raise it? i only have about 5 inches i can raise it with my rope ratchets, i could probably get another few inches out of it if i removed the rope hangers and just hun right on crossbar. its only a 136 watt at the wall lamp. i have been sticking to the recommended light height. im suprised that it would actually be too much light,lol. i know the specs on this plant say a height of 40 to 80 cm. ince ive never grown this strain or any strain before its hard to tell if its just a naturally short plant or not. all i know is that i havent run tino any problems that i could see causing any stunted growth (as far as deficiencies or things like that anyway). in some respects i like the short height since im limited to grow height. but also want to try and maximise plants potential as much as i can allow.
I know from reading the sticky "life cycle of autoflower" it says around the 3rd week it should start to throw pistols, i havent seen any of those yet. and weeks 4 -6 its supposed to start pre flower and really start explosive vertical growth. so im kind of in a canundrum of maybe its just going to take longer to finish and hasnt hit its growth stage yet maybe. wold raising my light those 5 inches make much of a difference? i would have thought i should be getting ready to lower light, ha ha not the other way around.
I would raise it, personally.. I certainly won't hurt anything at this point.
Some plants give an extra week (or two, in some cases) of veg....this is a good thing.
Personally, I would be tucking some of the larger leaves, in order to expose the lowers to the light...this will make the lowers stretch a bit more, resulting in more "tops".

Hope it helps:d5::pass: