I thought we weren't being subjected to "flash" type sales anymore? What about regs for the third time now? @stan_mephisto I have sent countless emails to the point of finally giving up. I have not been notified when strains we're back in stock over, and over again. I missed the last 3 drops, because of website issues. I've been growing Meph strains since 2014. Throwing y'all my $, and time, and rep. Why no love fellas? I'm sure that I am not the only cat out here experiencing the same. Too bad really. Then mods wonder why the thread went crickets.
The regulars are too limited at this point to do a world wide release, so that project is on the back burner for now. Cant release in one store without upsetting other customers.
The website is under constant construction, we are trying to get the issues figured out that cause site overload during new seed drops. I have made countless comments and updates about our site issues over the past few month. These site issues only take place during new drops though, you can go to the site and order seeds in less than 5 minutes during any regular day.
This thread went crickets because we process and ship orders faster than any other seedbank in the industry right now. The only thing left to complain about is stuff that happened in 2019, website issues, and items people wish we had in stock. The last two issues ive given regular updates about.