Mephisto Genetics New Mephisto Genetics Customer Service & Feedback thread

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Planted 40 mephistos on December 10th 40 for 40 and all nice looking
Congratulations and best of luck on your Grow, Joe. Would definitely follow a Grow journal or thread if you were able to post about it. Seriously wishing you the best with it.
Planted 40 mephistos on December 10th 40 for 40 and all nice looking
40? 40!? Did you say Four Zero? Holy forking catchfly @Growjoe , you must have an army lined up for the harvest. Would love to see pics. 40/40?... and I thought 3 out of 3 was pretty nice. Hats off to your germination technique, would love to see more about your grow.

Happy growing Joe, and even happier harvest if you have help... :worship:
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40? 40!? Did you say Four Zero? Holy forking catchfly @Growjoe , you must have an army lined up for the harvest. Would love to see pics. 40/40?... and I thought 3 out of 3 was pretty nice. Hats off to your germination technique, would love to see more about your grow.

Happy growing Joe, and even happier harvest if you have help... :worship:


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