I actually think you have a good idea and point with having an actual Mephisto Canada thread, that seems to be where a lot of issues are being reported from. Maybe that's something
@stan_mephisto and company can consider.
As to anyone blaming Canadians, that I don't agree with at all

Just to put this into perspective for you; this past week we've had to step into this thread
multiple times because other community members (not just our staff members which many of you seem to think are the only ones having beefs with comments in here) are reporting comments in here for being brutish, flaming, trolling, and downright just attacking. These are your fellow forum members, your fellow growers. You may not agree with the actions of our moderators, but it's based on the requests of other members in the community.
We fully realize what a slippery slope and double edge sword it is ANYTIME we have to step into a vendors section (because we're not here to defend anyone,) BUT we will defend our forum rules, our etiquette rules for posting, and ask for comments and posts to be civil and tactful. I don't understand why/how anyone here could have a problem with that, but it seems like a few of you want to blame AFN because we're enforcing our own site policies (that we do in EVERY thread, regardless if it's a vendor or not.) Passion is good, anger is not.
There are a lot of people that read these threads/content, not just registered users, and there gets to be a point pretty quick where comments are either perceived/construed as constructively critical, or they are just downright attacks. I truly don't believe anyone is going out of their way to just be in this thread to cause problems. That said, comments, regardless of their posters intent, are being taken very negatively in here and upon reviewing them, it seems it's a few of the same names over and over again, and the same comments, over and over again. And when we ask certain individuals to stop or just tone it down? They don't stop. They just keep doing it, over and over again. So yes, we're going to do our job here, on our cannabis forum that we try not to let degenerate into what we view as one of the biggest problems of other forums, not being TOLERANT of other members and not being PATIENT with those providing services.
I also can't help notice you literally joined today just to post in this thread... not one of our charming recently banned members, are you