Mephisto Genetics New Mephisto Genetics Customer Service & Feedback thread

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I love the vibe on AFN. No one gets crushed for not being knowledgeable enough. Instead, we get enlightened by more experienced growers. We all get better together.

I am certain beyond any doubt that Mephisto Is not losing any sleep over some of our dissatisfaction. How could they be? They sell out in hours, maybe minutes. We're probably kidding ourselves that this thread affects them the slightest. Maybe it'll take another hour to sell out, tops lol! This Is not my own assumption. The fact that demand far outweighs supply and the details of it has been repeatedly brought up by Stan each time, regardless of topic.

Full disclosure, I've only grown one Mephisto plant. Rip on me for that if necessary but I've not commented on the quality of genetics at all.

I do find the reply by Stan a little condescending. We have thousands of members. I'll never be so conceited to assume none of us knows how to run an international business. I'll not be surprised if we have members running larger operations! Fyi, I do know how to run one.

First, we were informed that they will live and die by their small batch in house hand picked methods. But news of them outsourcing began to surface. Then, we were told that they have breeding partners. Members were not happy. Then, we were told that the breeding partners "mostly" does the bulk orders. I'll not make any interpretations but I feel that the loyal Mephisto fans have legit reasons to be upset. Why attack them?

I'll not comment on banned members, as that is the prerogative of the owners. However, I have seen a comment that should not be made and is borderline threatening! Not AFN vibe for sure. I'll not mention names but if I'm an unsuccessful grower after multiple tries, if I am posting multiple threads across several forums asking for help, it probably means I'm still a novice grower. Staying humble is what I'd do. I probably shouldn't come into this thread and start threatening senior growers. Based on my growing results which I make public, I REALLY should not be reviewing strains, saying they aren't good. So instead of asking who the fook someone is? Perhaps the correct question is, who the fook are YOU? Ignore button clicked.

To everyone else, stay cool my growmies! Exercise our consumer rights the correct way, and hopefully the market will correct itself. Nothing else we can do anyways. Might as well stay cool and focus on our real passion which is growing. For trolling and ego, I heard RIU is a great place for that LOL
Just a simple thought: I'll wager that the column of satisfied customers far out weighs the disgruntled.
As a business and service owner, you can NEVER make everyone happy no matter what you do.
No one called anyone entitled. I said, and I quote, "The basis of these complaints SOUND like entitlement".to thread for the way you feel Mephisto conducts themselves. Makes sense... I guess...

I co sign everything you wrote!!

Like I wrote before, selling seeds,and growing weed is a business,if something doesn't suit you, change the breeder. There are bunch of auto breeders out there..
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I haven't been around too long, but after growing 2 RQS autos at the beginning of last year, I started buying and growing Mephisto. I'll spare everyone the soliloquy, but as someone who expects a lot and has high expectations, I've been nothing but happy with MG [minus a wee bit of website funkiness last Black Friday ;) ;) but shit happens].

I think the mod that mentioned some members acting like they are owed something is probably the most nail on the head comment in pages and pages of this thread. Whether it's bulk orders that MG is getting help with or the entire line, if the genetics/strains don't suffer, does it matter? Do Stan and Mitch need to handpick the seeds? What about handwatering? Do they need to personally fill the seed containers? What about licking the stamps?? "They are supposed to do EVERYTHING in house!" I'm not buying a USA handmade belt from someone that says they do so only to find out later that they are machine made in China. I get the issue there. Did your Fugue State grow as you expected under your conditions? Great. It wouldn't matter to me if Mitch was shaking pollen, a random Spanish abuela, or a robot. And furthermore, you don't get to know things MG doesn't want to share. Is the same person/s asking Chikfila where they buy their chicken? What is fed to the cattle wherever they buy their beef? Who harvested the corn for their chips? Deal with it.

"I'm SO MAD they are making such a great product that more people want to buy their seeds than what is available!!!" Welcome to my Econ 101 class. Ever had to stand in line for a table at a popular restaurant? Wait 6 weeks for a handmade holster? What about miss out on sneakers that sold out in < 1 minute?

AND THE SAME PEOPLE that complain about seeds not being available at all times would 100% be the same people to LOSE THEIR GOTDAMN MINDS if production was scaled to meet the demand, hollering in teh forumz with a megaphone, "Meph isn't the same! Sellouts! Remember how they were in the beginning?! Now everyone grows their gear!"

Finally, as someone who deals in social media and PR for a living, I think Stan does a fine job. Truth be told, he probably spends more time answering questions and responding on here and reddit than what is probably deserved... err needed. I'd have half a mind to re-up the site randomly with no notice and let everyone figure it out.
"A friend of mine that grows has been around for looooong time growing and is close friends with Daz (from Night Owl but formerly was with Meph) and he told him about their stupid new setup to reproduce seeds! "

I believe this is the rumor that got passed around. Let me go ahead and squash this.

Daz has never seen either of our production facilities so I am not sure how or why he would think the new setup is "stupid".

Our main Mephisto farm has the ability to grow well over 300 plants at any given time. Here we actually take the time to pheno hunt though our strains before reproducing unlike most of our competitors. Our competitors are growing 10-20 plants in their basement, hitting everything with pollen then selling you F1s poly mephisto hybrids for twice the price of what they are worth.

Our commercial partner is a LEADER in the hemp industry. He is often the Keynote speaker at large hemp business conferences. He has more qualifications then just about any person in the Cannabis industry to reproduce seeds. If you want to question the quality of his work then you better put the rest of the seed industry under a microscope.

I spent some time this year researching other plant breeding industries, primarily the flower industry. Plant breeding is big business in the flower world, its estimated that the floriculture industry is worth 5 billion dollars in the US. The people who run these breeding programs and multi million dollar facilities have doctorates and masters degrees in horticulture/plant biology/floriculture.

If only that were true about the cannabis breeding world. Any joe schmoe can make a few seeds and start a hype company. The seed industry is honestly a big joke, I have never worked with so many unprofessional people in my life. The companies that actually do good breeding work are often forgotten about because they don't have the hype or marketing or cool pictures to put them in front of the impostors.
I haven't been around too long, but after growing 2 RQS autos at the beginning of last year, I started buying and growing Mephisto. I'll spare everyone the soliloquy, but as someone who expects a lot and has high expectations, I've been nothing but happy with MG [minus a wee bit of website funkiness last Black Friday ;) ;) but shit happens].

I think the mod that mentioned some members acting like they are owed something is probably the most nail on the head comment in pages and pages of this thread. Whether it's bulk orders that MG is getting help with or the entire line, if the genetics/strains don't suffer, does it matter? Do Stan and Mitch need to handpick the seeds? What about handwatering? Do they need to personally fill the seed containers? What about licking the stamps?? "They are supposed to do EVERYTHING in house!" I'm not buying a USA handmade belt from someone that says they do so only to find out later that they are machine made in China. I get the issue there. Did your Fugue State grow as you expected under your conditions? Great. It wouldn't matter to me if Mitch was shaking pollen, a random Spanish abuela, or a robot. And furthermore, you don't get to know things MG doesn't want to share. Is the same person/s asking Chikfila where they buy their chicken? What is fed to the cattle wherever they buy their beef? Who harvested the corn for their chips? Deal with it.

"I'm SO MAD they are making such a great product that more people want to buy their seeds than what is available!!!" Welcome to my Econ 101 class. Ever had to stand in line for a table at a popular restaurant? Wait 6 weeks for a handmade holster? What about miss out on sneakers that sold out in < 1 minute?

AND THE SAME PEOPLE that complain about seeds not being available at all times would 100% be the same people to LOSE THEIR GOTDAMN MINDS if production was scaled to meet the demand, hollering in teh forumz with a megaphone, "Meph isn't the same! Sellouts! Remember how they were in the beginning?! Now everyone grows their gear!"

Finally, as someone who deals in social media and PR for a living, I think Stan does a fine job. Truth be told, he probably spends more time answering questions and responding on here and reddit than what is probably deserved... err needed. I'd have half a mind to re-up the site randomly with no notice and let everyone figure it out.
"I haven't been around too long".... long paragraph about the unhappiness of people that have XD
Holy Jesus @Global Moderators can we turn the commenting off on this thread temporarily ? It seems That it’s not being helpful atm If someone has a customer service issue they can PM Stan and only those with order numbers in the title will be answered or somethin but man alive this ain’t the vibe y’all
Holy Jesus @Global Moderators can we turn the commenting off on this thread temporarily ? It seems That it’s not being helpful atm If someone has a customer service issue they can PM Stan and only those with order numbers in the title will be answered or somethin but man alive this ain’t the vibe y’all
Yep......not productive at all.
I think part of the problem is that the people moaning have no idea just how hard it is to run a small business, let alone one which is isn't deemed to be fully legal in many parts of the world. It seems Mephisto have had a run of bad luck but are doing their best to get through it. If you want the slick operation of large company then there are many breeders out there for people to choose from. Truth is it's easy to sit behind a keyboard and complain, but it's infinitely harder to get out there and do what Mephisto have done.

I for one am happy to keep supporting Mephisto because they consistently produce the most interesting varieties, whenever I've strayed to other breeders I've often enjoyed the plants I grew but they never seemed quite in the same league.
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