Mephisto Genetics New Mephisto Genetics Customer Service & Feedback thread

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Its obvious to me this may no longer be the place for me even though I donated anonymously when the call went out. But When Mods pile on to posters with legitimate complaints and bans them while the vendor through his poor communication comes off as smug instead of helpful, then maybe y’all need to ban me as well.

You guys banned one of your top posters, though I imagine he got too heated, but Machamillion was always helpful to me, sent pm’s of advice and was an aggressive tester that brought other vendors to AFN. In his case I don’t know what ultimately went down, but the guy did a lot for the community and he genuinely cared.

For me, I‘ve been positive since day one here, read posts for a year before I joined, but reading the crap above in the thread from people who should show better leadership, calling posters “entitled” for pointing out the downfalls in a company that We all love? No. That’s absolutely unethical and I have lost ALL respect for some people here that should know better. I don’t think there is ANY problem with asking Stan to provide clear information without condescension, none whatsoever. If that’s a problem, delete my account.
No one called anyone entitled. I said, and I quote, "The basis of these complaints SOUND like entitlement". And they still do! We are not here to point out "downfalls of a company". You say you want clear information from Stan.. But on what? You forgot to mention that part... Again.. What is it you REALLY want? A newsletter? Some stickers? A strain named after you? A date for all upcoming drops? A discount. More freebies? Or just to be able to point out the things you don't like about how the company is ran, without retort? Because it seems the major complaint is that a company is not operating to your liking.. That's a personal issue. Not something we all want to rehash every 3-4 months. Machamillion was here for a few months and brought ZERO vendors on site... He was banned for legit reasons like 98% of banned people are. Not even sure where you got that info. All those words you just typed and somehow failed to list ONE issue that you have with Mephisto. It's also wildly funny that you would consider leaving AFN entirely because of how you feel the mods conduct themselves, but won't simply leave this one little Mephisto thread for the way you feel Mephisto conducts themselves. Makes sense... I guess...
Its obvious to me this may no longer be the place for me even though I donated anonymously when the call went out. But When Mods pile on to posters with legitimate complaints and bans them while the vendor through his poor communication comes off as smug instead of helpful, then maybe y’all need to ban me as well.

You guys banned one of your top posters, though I imagine he got too heated, but Machamillion was always helpful to me, sent pm’s of advice and was an aggressive tester that brought other vendors to AFN. In his case I don’t know what ultimately went down, but the guy did a lot for the community and he genuinely cared.

For me, I‘ve been positive since day one here, read posts for a year before I joined, but reading the crap above in the thread from people who should show better leadership, calling posters “entitled” for pointing out the downfalls in a company that We all love? No. That’s absolutely unethical and I have lost ALL respect for some people here that should know better. I don’t think there is ANY problem with asking Stan to provide clear information without condescension, none whatsoever. If that’s a problem, delete my account.

Um I just asked for the tone of the posts to simmer down a bit bud. Some edgy comments in here this morning from member to member, looked like it could have ramped up, so asked to ramp it down. You know, forum stuff :thumbsup: :pighug:

But you forgot a few important details in your post.

For starters, the recent member in question you're defending was banned multiple times for specifically trolling this one specific thread.

Not any other breeder.
Not any other thread.
Not creating grow journals.
Not adding to other discussions.
Not saying "hello" in the mornings or "good night" before snooze.

But instead, coming back to the same thread, like a needle to a junky, over and over and over, saying the same rant, or waiting for someone to say something he can piggy back on. Banned, comes back, doesn't post anywhere else, banned, comes back, banned, comes back. Heck it's been regular members even calling him out lately, not us. This is the 3rd time banned for the same thing. :shrug:

This isn't us trying to "silence the truth." And I feel like you're insinuating that's what we're doing (and I don't think that's fair of you.) But we're removing a banned member, a repeat banned members to be exact, for literally and directly violating site terms of use (and it's just trolly shit anyway.) Does not approach breed response?

Why are you defending this? Would you still defend this now seeing the history of above users actions? At what point do we get to uphold our SIMPLE rules here?

And dude, we could have easily banned him the moment we realized it was a returned member (and possibly avoiding pages of the popcorn-eating grief that spewed from making the decision to NOT.) Instead, we gave him his day to say his piece, he said it, made his peace, and that's it. What's next? What's left? There is no history for him other than coming here to make trouble (and multiple times.) I don't see that one turning a new leaf; I'm sorry but that's a judgment called based on experience of dealing with shit tons of people online over years and years.

As to Mach, I'm not sure if there's ever been a member on the forum to ever have more chances than he was given. We gave that dude soooooo much slack, that he eventually tied his own noose and hung himself with it. Post count is no defense to acting shitty to people on the forum (and that goes for our mods as well, which over the years we've had to talk several off the ledge before.) We've flat out kicked mods out of here. We've banned mods. But whether member or staff, they are HUMAN, and we try to give people CHANCES, but sometimes you RUN OUT of those chances. You understand? He also never brought a single vendor to the forum, please get your facts straight.

On a personal (and opinionated level,) when I ask myself why I think this thread is a drama magnet, I think it's because some of you seem to want to discuss EACH OTHERS problems. And that in itself seems to be where a lot of the drama stems from. So maybe it's something to look into where we turn commenting off but allow the initial feedback to be posted. Would allow everyone to still air grievance or issue, but would eliminate members jumping on others for said feedback." That's Mephisto's call, but I think everyone is in agreement the feedback isn't the issue, it's the Battlefield Earth style fighting that follows between members after the feedback is left.
I'll wait patiently for Mephisto drops.. i'v been skunked the last few. There's a reason their product is in such high demand, quality.

Now, i'v read mention of some getting Mephisto auto reg's, who's ass do i need to kiss to get put on that list?!
Its obvious to me this may no longer be the place for me even though I donated anonymously when the call went out. But When Mods pile on to posters with legitimate complaints and bans them while the vendor through his poor communication comes off as smug instead of helpful, then maybe y’all need to ban me as well.

You guys banned one of your top posters, though I imagine he got too heated, but Machamillion was always helpful to me, sent pm’s of advice and was an aggressive tester that brought other vendors to AFN. In his case I don’t know what ultimately went down, but the guy did a lot for the community and he genuinely cared.

For me, I‘ve been positive since day one here, read posts for a year before I joined, but reading the crap above in the thread from people who should show better leadership, calling posters “entitled” for pointing out the downfalls in a company that We all love? No. That’s absolutely unethical and I have lost ALL respect for some people here that should know better. I don’t think there is ANY problem with asking Stan to provide clear information without condescension, none whatsoever. If that’s a problem, delete my account.
I suppose it is easy to misconstrue the work the mods do here. Especially if you only read one thread out of the 57,387 other threads that we also moderate. We run Balttles and grow-offs - ALL of them. Do housekeeping chores. Give out badges. Advise people in the infirmary on how to save a sick plant. Post our own journals and mostly have fun with the other 37, 321 members. So we are busy. The reason it may look like we are swooping down on someone is because we all get involved in order to be sure the member is being looked at as fairly as possible. I have little to no patients for members Trolling or Flaming and without the other Mods urging me to be more patient many more members would have been given the boot. I can assure you that every member that has been banned has been done so as a last resort. You are not privy to all of the information that goes into a user being banned you only see the public part. In many cases like Machamillion's there was much Private Messaging that you are not aware of. We are not cavalier about the decision to ban someone. Ultimately @Son of Hobbes and @Mossy have the final say. He and @Mossy are the top bosses - period. If you have Hobbes involved you should pay attention to what he is saying.

My goal as a mod is to just help members grow better crops and have fun.

I suppose it is easy to misconstrue the work the mods do here. Especially if you only read one thread out of the 57,387 other threads that we also moderate. We run Balttles and grow-offs - ALL of them. Do housekeeping chores. Give out badges. Advise people in the infirmary on how to save a sick plant. Post our own journals and mostly have fun with the other 37, 321 members. So we are busy. The reason it may look like we are swooping down on someone is because we all get involved in order to be sure the member is being looked at as fairly as possible. I have little to no patients for members Trolling or Flaming and without the other Mods urging me to be more patient many more members would have been given the boot. I can assure you that every member that has been banned has been done so as a last resort. You are not privy to all of the information that goes into a user being banned you only see the public part. In many cases like Machamillion's there was much Private Messaging that you are not aware of. We are not cavalier about the decision to ban someone. Ultimately @Son of Hobbes and @Mossy have the final say. He and @Mossy are the top bosses - period. If you have Hobbes involved you should pay attention to what he is saying.

My goal as a mod is to just help members grow better crops and have fun.

These are big ole facts. I have been around a long while, if you’ve got SOH writing a page long post about your behavior, you are wrong as can be. Period! Love y’all mods! I know how much y’all do and there is NEVER any consideration on how much time y’all put in here for all of us.
My goal as a mod is to just help members grow better crops and have fun.

F U N for the W I N!! :yay:
(me only recourse, since i gave up on growin better cropz a long time ago...:coffee: ) ppp
Waiting for my order to ship from the 24th drop like :pop:

This thread has been the unexpected Mephisto freebie :biggrin:
Mine says Friday. Kinda silly in being antsy on my part. I can't pop them for at least 60 days! LOL!
I keep checking where it's located, even with knowing when it should arrive. :biggrin:
Mine says Friday. Kinda silly in being antsy on my part. I can't pop them for at least 60 days! LOL!
I keep checking where it's located, even with knowing when it should arrive. :biggrin:
It is all over the news about mail being slow so it should be no surprise it takes longer to get anything. I waited 60+ days to get some seeds out of Spain - not Mephisto another seed bank I use- just sayin!
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