Mephisto Genetics New Mephisto Genetics Customer Service & Feedback thread

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Raise prices? Yeah that ought to slow things down. Their average price is $15.00 a seed that's on the pricey side as it is.

The other points are debatable, because those are decisions on how to run a business, and I come at it from the viewpoint that he's fine with the new people he's getting. I'm new and have bought each time the store has opened for the last 7-8 months so people like me aren't one time shoppers like you seem top think the new customers are.

All that aside though, I think most customers understand that the freebies are to be factored in to the overall cost as well, because afterall weed is weed, especially when its quality. Given that you factor in the freebies in the average cost, each seed comes down to a purchase price of between $4-5 USD. If you're just buying 1 seed at a time for $15 I don't think I'd buy from them either. That's hefty, but even 1 seed gives you 2 of the same free I think? so you're getting 3 seeds for that 15.. at worst you're getting two seeds so it's 7.50 a seed. I've bought 150-170$ worth of seeds (whichever one trips his highest freebie bundle) each time. I know from past grows others have done, and even current grows, that the genetics coming from this outfit are good genetics. So my goal is to stock up on plenty so that I'm never in a position of not having any of these seeds to grow. I've got a 20 cu ft deep freeze for storing seeds and product. My brother in law right now is growing some reggies he dug out of his freezer storage that are from the early 90's, so I'm assuming these seeds im collecting will be viable for a long time as well.

I'm not making excuses for how they're running their business. I'm saying how I see it as a newbie repeat customer who has spent money at his shop every time he's opened up since my first purchase. His new customers aren't one off customers like you describe. We're pretty voracious repeats so far. The subreddit they have is a testament to that I think. It's grown in user base like 15k people in the last year. Hell, it's even harder to acquire any seeds from Night Owl. I've tried to buy his seeds 4-5 times now and haven't gotten a single drop.

When I first started looking in to this outfit that sub had 4-5k followers. Today it has almost 20k followers. You're saying I'm making excuses but all I am doing is providing information on how someone new to the shop sees it. I don't have any reason to make an excuse for them. If I feel thats the quality of the genes are garbage or that the hassle of buying the seeds is too insane, then I'm definitely going to go elsewhere, but so far I haven't felt that to be an issue. I do want to say that your valuation of the seeds at $15 just seems very over priced though, given the content you actually get unless you think you shouldn't factor in the freebies to the cost.

I also want to thank you for your linda-seeds shout out in your sig and the thread you made btw. My brother and I did a large purchase from them together a few weeks ago after reading that thread you put together. We're new growers so building a collection is a big priority right now. Never know if they pass legislation making it harder to acquire or god knows... much easier... the rush on product then is going to make the current stocking problems ridiculous. Imagine they finally legalize growing federally. Good luck finding cheap quality seeds when everyone who has always wanted to starts growing.
It's good to have a healthy debate! This is what I like to see, give and take that presents opposing viewpoints. I just got tired of all the RAH! RAH! Mephisto! I like these guys and their genetics, but people really need to think about what's up with these guys rather than just accept things as business as usual. And I'll buy seeds from them again one day, if they ever get their supply problems ironed out. I'm too old to be waiting around and have no patience to be sitting with my finger on the button waiting to click it at the stroke of midnight........... just to get s few seeds.

The other points are debatable, because those are decisions on how to run a business, and I come at it from the viewpoint that he's fine with the new people he's getting. I'm new and have bought each time the store has opened for the last 7-8 months so people like me aren't one time shoppers like you seem top think the new customers are.

All that aside though, I think most customers understand that the freebies are to be factored in to the overall cost as well, because afterall weed is weed, especially when its quality. Given that you factor in the freebies in the average cost, each seed comes down to a purchase price of between $4-5 USD. If you're just buying 1 seed at a time for $15 I don't think I'd buy from them either. That's hefty, but even 1 seed gives you 2 of the same free I think? so you're getting 3 seeds for that 15.. at worst you're getting two seeds so it's 7.50 a seed. I've bought 150-170$ worth of seeds (whichever one trips his highest freebie bundle) each time. I know from past grows others have done, and even current grows, that the genetics coming from this outfit are good genetics. So my goal is to stock up on plenty so that I'm never in a position of not having any of these seeds to grow. I've got a 20 cu ft deep freeze for storing seeds and product. My brother in law right now is growing some reggies he dug out of his freezer storage that are from the early 90's, so I'm assuming these seeds im collecting will be viable for a long time as well.

I'm not making excuses for how they're running their business. I'm saying how I see it as a newbie repeat customer who has spent money at his shop every time he's opened up since my first purchase. His new customers aren't one off customers like you describe. We're pretty voracious repeats so far. The subreddit they have is a testament to that I think. It's grown in user base like 15k people in the last year. Hell, it's even harder to acquire any seeds from Night Owl. I've tried to buy his seeds 4-5 times now and haven't gotten a single drop.

When I first started looking in to this outfit that sub had 4-5k followers. Today it has almost 20k followers. You're saying I'm making excuses but all I am doing is providing information on how someone new to the shop sees it. I don't have any reason to make an excuse for them. If I feel thats the quality of the genes are garbage or that the hassle of buying the seeds is too insane, then I'm definitely going to go elsewhere, but so far I haven't felt that to be an issue. I do want to say that your valuation of the seeds at $15 just seems very over priced though, given the content you actually get unless you think you shouldn't factor in the freebies to the cost.

I also want to thank you for your linda-seeds shout out in your sig and the thread you made btw. My brother and I did a large purchase from them together a few weeks ago after reading that thread you put together. We're new growers so building a collection is a big priority right now. Never know if they pass legislation making it harder to acquire or god knows... much easier... the rush on product then is going to make the current stocking problems ridiculous. Imagine they finally legalize growing federally. Good luck finding cheap quality seeds when everyone who has always wanted to starts growing.
It's good to have a healthy debate! This is what I like to see, give and take that presents opposing viewpoints. I just got tired of all the RAH! RAH! Mephisto! I like these guys and their genetics, but people really need to think about what's up with these guys rather than just accept things as business as usual. And I'll buy seeds from them again one day, if they ever get their supply problems ironed out. I'm too old to be waiting around and have no patience to be sitting with my finger on the button waiting to click it at the stroke of midnight........... just to get s few seeds.
I totally agree with everything you've said these guys are great breeders but not great businessman and that's just the facts I love growing out there plants to but it's almost impossible to buy seeds from them and it's not like that with any other Seed Company its the 21st century you should have your website and e-commerce sorted out
just a quick question for anyone who has grown HUBBABUBBAHAZE

did yours ever go amber?
stayed cloudy/milky?

i have one at DAY 94 now and i see no sign of amber...
Some just don't form the amber like others do, and if you force it you may go well past prime for terpenes and other quality factors... My HBHz has little amber, all cloudy; pistils mostly turned and well faded leaves.... her aroma and potency are excellent! This one has more Haze than bbgum in her aroma, but the buzz feels hybrid, head at first then moves to more body/relaxing....
I've read some good info recently about "ambering", and it's not all the same in terms of it's chemistry, effect, when it appears (if at all), even appearance in the trich head itself... And while it's true THC can degrade into CBN (plant doesn't make CBN), there's no proof that CBN gives it that amber color,... some reference was mentioned that THC can break down into other things (?)....

I also want to thank you for your linda-seeds shout out in your sig and the thread you made btw. My brother and I did a large purchase from them together a few weeks ago after reading that thread you put together. We're new growers so building a collection is a big priority right now. Never know if they pass legislation making it harder to acquire or god knows... much easier... the rush on product then is going to make the current stocking problems ridiculous. Imagine they finally legalize growing federally. Good luck finding cheap quality seeds when everyone who has always wanted to starts growing.
I second the profs for Linda seeds. Easy purchase, good shipping and good seeds.

And legalization nation wide could very easily put us in that situation!
It’s part haze... so it might not Amber up some sativa’s diesel and Hazes dont...Go by the leaves the fade and such

thanks @SOOTDAWG ! been looking around for some journals and found a few with no amber @ day 90+
my leaves are fading now but still seems shes adding weight daily.

Some just don't form the amber like others do, and if you force it you may go well past prime for terpenes and other quality factors... My HBHz has little amber, all cloudy; pistils mostly turned and well faded leaves.... her aroma and potency are excellent! This one has more Haze than bbgum in her aroma, but the buzz feels hybrid, head at first then moves to more body/relaxing....
I've read some good info recently about "ambering", and it's not all the same in terms of it's chemistry, effect, when it appears (if at all), even appearance in the trich head itself... And while it's true THC can degrade into CBN (plant doesn't make CBN), there's no proof that CBN gives it that amber color,... some reference was mentioned that THC can break down into other things (?)....

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appreciate the pic!

thanks @Waira i think ill be doing a partial chop tonight/tomorrow and the rest in another week to 10 days.
Some of the comments remind me of a guy I knew who invented a cooking sauce, ran a "cottage business" from a medium kitchen. He got the interest of a large supermarket chain who placed an order for trial. He scrambled to put the huge "trial" order together. Well, it sold. People loved the sauce, but he could not keep up with the demand and didn't have the capitol to get a large commercial kitchen going. Too big too fast too soon.

I hope that's not the case with Mephisto.

Regardless, still waiting here in the great while north...
Its funny how everyone thinks they know how to run an international business that supplies a grey market product to 6 continents. Its not as easy as everyone thinks, trust me on this lol. Let me try and address some of these points.

"And making excuses for over two years for not being able to meet even the demand for your mainstream strains. I was sympathetic when their website went down and when they llost their payment processor. But this went on and on and hasn't ended even to this day. They need to get their shit together or get out of the business. "

-We have upgraded servers twice now in the last 18 months, the latest upgrade has 100% solved the site crashing. No issues during the last two major drops where we sold out in hours. You can order with a CC in less than 2 minutes on our site while other "big name" banks and breeders are still having you send in cash or use some sketchy payment method like cashapp/venmo.

Raise prices? Yeah that ought to slow things down. Their average price is $15.00 a seed that's on the pricey side as it is.

-Law of supply and demand says we should raise prices based on how fast our product sells out. We are really trying to avoid the price hikes, we feel like our products is fairly priced when you compare with our competitors. We are not trying to price gouge, or take advantage of mass legalization, only trying to sell a quality product at a fair price.

"And I know how many viable seeds one mother plant can produce, so I have a decent idea of how many they are selling. Maybe they need to do like most other seed companies are doing, farm out the seed production to seed farms, hell, even DP doesn't grow all their own seed. "

-If we were to farm out all of our seed production then we would be no different then these white label giants in the industry who are only concerned with making money. We live and die by the Mephisto method of breeding; organic, small batch, hand sorted seeds. I am sure we would see a large decline in quality if we were to outsource our production.

-That's not to say we haven't increased production over the years, we are producing 5x the seeds we would have made back in 2018 when it was only the farm in Spain. The demand has outpaced production due to increased legalization in the US. We are continuing to scale up production with the farm in spain back in action, and a prospective farm in Canada in the works, but this sort of thing doesn't happen over night. Illinois was the last state to legalize home grow, they have accounted for 18% of all orders this year. That is a population of 12.5 million people getting the green light to grow cannabis in their own home.

-Some people like to reference 2018 as the golden years for mephisto, well when me and Brad took over order processing we were handed a notebook full of hand written orders and a paypal account where we had to email everyone an invoice. I think we have done a good job scaling up the business with a 5 independent websites and local distributors in 3 countries. We still have some of the fastest order processing in the business.

We have done our best here at Mephisto to try and manage peoples expectations. We don't advertise, or hype up any new releases, and yet the product still sells out in 2 hours. Did people also forget we have been dealing with a global pandemic for the last 5 months that has drastically affected the domestic and international supply chain. We have had delays, or had to find new sources from everything to stickers to soil. You know things have gone off the rails when you can't even get a load of dirt delivered to the farm.
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