Mephisto Genetics New Mephisto Genetics Customer Service & Feedback thread

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Aongue around here for years bud. The entire "Mephisto Process" has gotten progressively worse than ever for those of us who have been through the ups, and downs since the beginning. Tell me I'm wrong, and ban me again, but I'm still spitting truth.

I just dont understand that attitude like breeder is ovning something to us.. If something about certan breeder dont suit you, dont buy his seeds. Simple as that..
I just dont understand that attitude like breeder is ovning something to us.. If something about certan breeder dont suit you, dont buy his seeds. Simple as that..
In every forum I've been on for the last 20 plus years, banned members that create a new ID and post are severely butthurt and have a vendetta that's not logically based in reality.
I'll reserve my opinion of Mephisto's service and product once I get my seeds and after my first grow. The results will be posted for all to see. If they don't perform to my standards, I'll move on to another breeder. No BFD!
In every forum I've been on for the last 20 plus years, banned members that create a new ID and post are severely butthurt and have a vendetta that's not logically based in reality.
I'll *RESERVA my opinion of Mephisto's service and product once I get my seeds and after my first grow. The results will be posted for all to see. If they don't perform to my standards, I'll move on to another breeder. No BFD!
* Fixed that for ya pal
Yeah! My order from the last US opening has shipped.......Well .......ready for pick up.
just a quick question for anyone who has grown HUBBABUBBAHAZE

did yours ever go amber?
stayed cloudy/milky?

i have one at DAY 94 now and i see no sign of amber...
Haven’t had it with that strain cuz never ran but not uncommon for autos to not get amber at times! Last thing u wanna do too is wait too long trying to see lots of amber and wind up with the trichs degrading on it!
the entire "Mephisto Process" has gotten progressively worse than ever for those of us who have been through the ups, and downs since the beginning.

Mephisto Genetics is a boutique outfit. If you want to buy directly from the website, then it's going to be a pain in the ass. They routinely have stock in various seedbanks if you want their product bad enough. If you want their freebies though, then you're going to have to suck it up and face the fact that they have ballooned in popularity. A byproduct of that means more customers, for likely the same amount of seeds, meaning a much higher demand.

If I was running his finances, I'd boost his prices across the board. If you have limited product selling out in the small window he does, then the prices are too low. There would be people bitching about that if it happened too. I just started buying seeds in February, but I haven't missed a drop yet to collect seeds on, each time the store has been open. I also stay active(and by that i mean lurking) on this forum and other forums he posts on so I have a good idea of when should probably set my morning alarm (since his seeds are a priority for me)

For every 'old long timer' customer like you he may lose, he's gaining 10-15 people like me. They sell out in hours after opening, the outfit isn't hurting for business. Your 'truthful fire' that you're 'spitting' is just silly. You're at the mercy of basic economics, supply and demand. I agree, if you don't appreciate the extra effort you have to go through to get these genetics, then you probably are better offer finding a different breeder to by from. I know I sure as hell would if I was angry as you seem to be.
just a quick question for anyone who has grown HUBBABUBBAHAZE

did yours ever go amber?
stayed cloudy/milky?

i have one at DAY 94 now and i see no sign of amber...
It’s part haze... so it might not Amber up some sativa’s diesel and Hazes dont...Go by the leaves the fade and such
Mephisto Genetics are outstanding without a doubt. Your whole boutique business is wrong. Maybe when they started. There is something wrong on the business end. When you open retail ( web ) store and you have no stock to supply them, that's putting the cart before the horse. If you have a demand for your product, you up production. If your business grows too fast you hire a consultant to help you get a handle on things.

And making excuses for over two years for not being able to meet even the demand for your mainstream strains. I was sympathetic when their website went down and when they llost their payment processor. But this went on and on and hasn't ended even to this day. They need to get their shit together or get out of the business.
I've owned and operated my own business,I know what it takes. I'd rather have two repeat customers than 10 one time buyers. Why? Because those flurries of one time buyers come and go, they are the gravy of the business not the mainstay.

Raise prices? Yeah that ought to slow things down. Their average price is $15.00 a seed that's on the pricey side as it is. And I know how many viable seeds one mother plant can produce, so I have a decent idea of how many they are selling. Maybe they need to do like most other seed companies are doing, farm out the seed production to seed farms, hell, even DP doesn't grow all their own seed.
Funny you don't see other "boutique" companies like Fast Buds, Sweet Seeds, etc going though these gyrations. I should be able to go to their site anytime, just like I would any other seed company and find at least 75% of their catalog available. No, this this circus of now we're open, no we're not has gotten just plains ridiculous. When I go to a company almost monthly for 2 years looking to buy just one strain and it always out of stock, sorry, that's just plain poor business. Remember the 5 P's: Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Perfomance!

Mephisto Genetics is a boutique outfit. If you want to buy directly from the website, then it's going to be a pain in the ass. They routinely have stock in various seedbanks if you want their product bad enough. If you want their freebies though, then you're going to have to suck it up and face the fact that they have ballooned in popularity. A byproduct of that means more customers, for likely the same amount of seeds, meaning a much higher demand.

If I was running his finances, I'd boost his prices across the board. If you have limited product selling out in the small window he does, then the prices are too low. There would be people bitching about that if it happened too. I just started buying seeds in February, but I haven't missed a drop yet to collect seeds on, each time the store has been open. I also stay active(and by that i mean lurking) on this forum and other forums he posts on so I have a good idea of when should probably set my morning alarm (since his seeds are a priority for me)

For every 'old long timer' customer like you he may lose, he's gaining 10-15 people like me. They sell out in hours after opening, the outfit isn't hurting for business. Your 'truthful fire' that you're 'spitting' is just silly. You're at the mercy of basic economics, supply and demand. I agree, if you don't appreciate the extra effort you have to go through to get these genetics, then you probably are better offer finding a different breeder to by from. I know I sure as hell would if I was angry as you seem to be.
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