Live Stoner Chat New member from Europe

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When you can get a journal going its great to go back to in the future and really helps ive got a year long if you want to take a look

Yes I'm doing exactly that, writing down all the actions I'm doing, almost day after day for futur reference.
I keep this going in evernote, it's great because I can insert pictures, links etc...

I'll definitely have a look at your journals :)
Le sud-ouest et son bon soleil ! Je suis vers la Bretagne.

Amuse toi bien avec tes plantes, n'hésites pas a demander de l'aide car ici tu trouvera toujours quelqu'un avec la réponse, sans jugement. Et j'ai regardé ton journal, démarrage nickel !
Aaah Brocéliande... (oui c'est cliché, mais à part Saint-Malo je ne connais pas la région !).

Let's continue in english my friend lol !

I'm glad my plants are healthy, but as you can see it's a little busy in the tent !
Next run I'll select only 2 plants, apply better LST and also try topping (even though it scares me a little ^^)