Thats the one mate,i need the medicine regular for my achey old joints.A joint for my joints so to speak haha.
My ph probe was just a cheapo off ebay,i couldnt afford an Accurate 8 but its on my list.The cheapo seems to be doing ok as it tallies with the feeds im putting into my coco.
Thanks for popping in mate.
My joints ache too, sucks! I've been reading a lot about meters, most are junk, that accurate 8 seems to be the best for the price.
My joints ache too, sucks! I've been reading a lot about meters, most are junk, that accurate 8 seems to be the best for the price.
Yeah,the Accurate 8 seems to be the one growers favour.I will see how this cheap one performs first, the probe is replaceable and probably wont last long.
You get what you pay for in the long run.
I only do about 2 oz a month and my son in law maybe an ounce.My yields have suffered lately with the ppm in my tap water going up and i havnt been able to meet demand.
Hopefully back on track now mate.
I smoke about the same myself red and I love a bit of good hash too!
That au might fill out some more for you yet mate. How long more you think shes got?
Bam is looking in great shape- really healthy too. Its all plain sailing from here now your dialed in
Yeah mate,The buds are less sticky now but arnt real hard yet so some more growth possible.Shes day 91 and grown organically so she could go another couple of weeks but i think some of her will be sacrificed to my needs before then.
Im pleased with the BAM,and being dialled in again,fingers crossed.
Ah Red - there is nothing sadder than an empty jar. Finally doing a bit of catch up on the things I've been neglecting for the past 3 months. Up a 100ppm on your water supplier - that's a big jump. Normally that number is fairly stable. Maybe your supplier has a bad chemical dosing unit or maybe just fixed one that was already bad. Hope your supplier didn't switch from chlorine to chloramine cause I don't think RO will remove it. My tap is shite too, 200-250ppm with a pH of 8.5. I only use it for flushing.

Will be watching your results with the new LED. Heat is always an issue with me - currently at 90F with both spectrums on. How do they keep it so cool? Is the power supply on the outside of the tent? Been in the market for a new LED and was looking into this one but I saw no mention of it on any of the US distributors sites.
Ah Red - there is nothing sadder than an empty jar. Finally doing a bit of catch up on the things I've been neglecting for the past 3 months. Up a 100ppm on your water supplier - that's a big jump. Normally that number is fairly stable. Maybe your supplier has a bad chemical dosing unit or maybe just fixed one that was already bad. Hope your supplier didn't switch from chlorine to chloramine cause I don't think RO will remove it. My tap is shite too, 200-250ppm with a pH of 8.5. I only use it for flushing.

Will be watching your results with the new LED. Heat is always an issue with me - currently at 90F with both spectrums on. How do they keep it so cool? Is the power supply on the outside of the tent? Been in the market for a new LED and was looking into this one but I saw no mention of it on any of the US distributors sites.
Hello Ducks,the ppm of my water has been going up gradually over a year or so,i live in an old house that still has lead pipe supply from the pavement to house.That will cause some contamination
but i would have thought it would be more constant and a lot less.Whatevers happened needed fixed and my RO system gets my water to 0ppm so im starting with a blank canvass now.
Youre bang on about the power supply being outside the tent,its in a separate ballast like thing that goes outside the tent.
I think Hans only sells through his own website not badly priced too.Hes based in Amsterdam.
im hopeful shes gonna perform in flower and signs are good atm,come back next week to see how we`re getting on.
BAM 10 weeks.

Batteries ran out on my camera and only got one decent pic with the flash.

Buds have really came on this week,they are bigger than my autoultimates already.About 2 to 3 weeks to go i reckon.
My autoultimate is minus her main cola and a side branch she will be over 100 days when she comes down next week.
Sorry about the lack of pics folks,i will have some batteries by next week.
BAM 10 weeks.

Batteries ran out on my camera and only got one decent pic with the flash.
View attachment 595164
Buds have really came on this week,they are bigger than my autoultimates already.About 2 to 3 weeks to go i reckon.
My autoultimate is minus her main cola and a side branch she will be over 100 days when she comes down next week.
Sorry about the lack of pics folks,i will have some batteries by next week.
needs must on the ultimate red your bam is looking tasty hope your sorted for batteries don't wanna start the old peeping tom act on other peoples threads just for my bud porn fix :woody::smoking:
needs must on the ultimate red your bam is looking tasty hope your sorted for batteries don't wanna start the old peeping tom act on other peoples threads just for my bud porn fix :woody::smoking:
Batteries are sorted Wile,the wife had some in the copboard all the time but i only asked her now cos the football was on.