Nice haul Red - a bit of this :slap: is in order. Guess that means that you'll be an oil making mo fo soon eh. Two plants? Thought you had a self imposed 1 plant limit in your tent.
Cheers Ducks,yes I will be making some oil soon as she's dried enough.
The one plant plan was just to see how big one plant would get in my tent.I'm hoping theres enough room for two ladies.Also I've had better yields per grow using 2 plants than one.
I will be growing 2 at a time from now on until further notice that is.
Thanks for dropping in mate.
SODK 10 days HBSS 14 days.
The SODK is doing OK in the bubble bucket but no roots showing through the bottom yet.

The HBSS is not doing so good she looks like she's overwatered but she's not.I think something in my super coco has gone.bad affecting the roots.
I'm doing some compost tea loaded with bennies to see if that will fix it but I think the seedling will be stunted in any event.

I need to recycle some used coco and have another go.
Thanks for dropping in.
I'm not very optimystic about it Bailey I've stunted loads of seedlings in the past,you can't afford to mess up auto seedlings,they don't have time to recover.
Thanks for popping in mate,
Red according to sang there's two main phenos the small one and one that goes huge Vlad got a little one as well and his plants a bit small also [emoji23]

Amused ourselves to death
Red according to sang there's two main phenos the small one and one that goes huge Vlad got a little one as well and his plants a bit small also [emoji23]

Amused ourselves to death
She hasn't grown much the last few days mate and those droopy leaves don't fill me with optimism at all.There's definItely something wrong.
Shit happens but I will give her a few more days to improve before eviction.
She hasn't grown much the last few days mate and those droopy leaves don't fill me with optimism at all.There's definItely something wrong.
Shit happens but I will give her a few more days to improve before eviction.
every mephisto girl ive done ive always had to go easy on the nitrogen first one I did stunted her with to much canna A+B and it was only 1.5 ml per ltr dropped it to 1.25 ml and she was fine :shrug: