New Grower New Grower (3rd cycle) - 4x DP Daiquiri Lime

The girls received 2 gallons of AACT. Added some #1 (3L actual) pots to the closet. Just some mint, lemongrass, lemon balm, a micro tomato, basil, lavender, etc. Just to get the most out of my light while theres not a dense canopy, Ill see how they do through out the grow and pull them out if they become problematic. The pot in front is part of another grow I am doing, an experimental 3L grow that can be found HERE.

Definitely need to make some watering adjustments.When its tea day I want them thirsty, and they were not quite as thirsty as I'd hoped. Still dialing it in.

Added some panda film, put the oscilatting fan on a 15m intermittent timer (it was previously running 24/7). The girls are dealing with an overwatering issue right now... I dont wanna talk about it yet... I'm sure they'll bounce back in short order.


So here is what happened. I watered in 2 gallons of the AACT, then realized I didnt incorporate the Recharge into the AACT the last 15 minutes. There was only a 1/4" of run off, so I figured, what the hell, I'll incorporate the Recharge, and add another gallon, thinking the plants would soak it up over an hour or so... I was sorely mistaken. I used the smaller #1 pots to wick as much water out as I could, but ultimately the base of the pots were in a half inch of water overnight, and into the next day. They have been regulating the past day or two, and were looking a lot better at 4am. Pots currently feel right at the sweet spot for moisture.

I noticed just a touch of light burn the other day, canopy grew to 14", so I reset it around 18-20", and have noticed no additional burn. It's been a few days.

The leaf damage which ultimately seemed to be nutrient burn has not spread to other leaves, but has continued to worsen on some of the leaves originally affected. I am planning on doing some defoliation in the near future.

Previously my closet door was removed and I was using an Agfabric curtain I made to allow air in, and keep pests out. It was quick and simple. I finally got around to creating a vent in my door, and I repainted my previously black door white, to help with the reflective light loss. Part of increasing the overall efficiency of my grow. I removed a panel and replaced it with Agfabric using some vinyl tubing and finishing nails. My temps immediately dropped and my humidity immediately went up. Averaging around 77f and 65%rh. I have some weather stripping and a door sweep on the way to block those leaks, I suspect that will make a minor difference as well.
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Environmental changes I made are having an impact. Overall the weather has been more mild this week, but my closet has been responding accordingly. I have had the lights on full power (446w) for the past several days with minimal tinkering and my temps and rh seem to be holding. Temps are supposed to go up 5 or 6 degrees next week, so well see how it goes, but as you can see this week was much better. Humidity is up with the 2 trays and the addition of the door. Hasnt crossed over 70% yet but in the evenings its at 69.4. The red indicates temps over 85f, or humidity under 40%rh. Still working on dialing in my watering @hecno but hopefully these changes help with the temps & humidity.

Looks like the girls have hit stretch and have started to recover from the over watering. Going to hit them with one last shot of corn sst, with some AgSil, aloe, alfalfa, and malted barley. Not sure if I want to hit them with any more N in the form of guano or fish hydrolysate at this point, looks like there is a touch of yellowing on FLorence and I want to make sure they have what they need going into stretch. Did a bit of defoliation on 3 of the girls yesterday or the day before. Waited on the 4th to see how the 3 responded, they all looked better than the 4th, so I went ahead and defoliated that one as well. About 32 leaves in total, mostly big fans blocking lower budsites, leaves touching the ground, and smaller leaves so deep under the canopy it wasnt worth letting them go in my opinion. Thought about continuing to lst, not sure at what point I just let them do their thing. Also not sure if its worth making the small adjustments I see that can be made, or if they are too minute to matter.

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Watered in some corn, malted barley, Recharge, alfalfa meal, AgSil, ActivAloe, N guano, and fish hydrolysate - all at my previous dillution rates. I watered in 6 liters, there was no run off to speak of. Before watering in my SST I strained the solids and topdressed each pot with 1/4c.

Sealed up the air gaps in the closet door a bit better. Has definitely helped with temps and humidity. Got a little hot while I was working in there yesterday, but otherwise much more dialed. You can see that it is keeping it in a narrow range for a longer period of time. The spike in heat I suspect is due to me being in there yesterday working on the additional seals, this allows the attic vent fan to pull hot air from up near the top of the door, as I had it open, vs the cool air down below near the intake panel. I also adjusted the fan controller down to kick on at 73f, from 75f.

The girls just dont look happy to me... We'll see how things shape up. Not since the over watering, might let them dry out for 3 or 4 days and hit them with plain water. Basically unsure what to do, and it doesnt look like tox or deficiency. Any ideas?

The list, for those that like them... This was per gallon, and was diluted with an additional 2qts just before use.

Bubbled for 12hrs:
1tsp N Guano
1Tbs Fish Hydrolysate
1/4c Alfalfa Meal
1Tbs Rehydrated Kelp Meal
1/8tsp SP-85 Humics
2.5mL 7.6% AgSil Solution
1Tbs Molasses

Bubbled for 4 hours:
1/8c Malted Barley

Bubbled for 15 minutes:
1tsp Recharge
20g Sprouted Corn
1/4tsp Active Aloe



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