New Grower New Grower (3rd cycle) - 4x DP Daiquiri Lime

Sweet light rack buddy :thumbsup:
And I would say you're right about a little too much feed, they seem pretty dark and a slight N claw tip starting
As for what to look for, if you really want to get into it, Anvil's breeder FullDuplex is an old member here, one of the OGs :eyebrows: could ask him what to look for in a pheno hunt
Happy growing and :goodluck:
Thank you sir, I read through BiggAls (sp?) grow with ALF #5 and Anvil #6 and read FullDuplex's notes there. Specifically regarding the pollen application period. Ill journal that grow as well so perhaps more folks will weigh in then. The burn looks like its on 2 plants, I'll have to double check, so I am wondering if the alfalfa was deposited a little more in those pots, vs the other 2 which have no signs of burn. Outside of the alfalfa, it can only be the admix which makes complete sense as I am fertilizing an already fertilized product. I was hoping that Id avoid burn through using slow release organics, but clearly possible for some fast N to be in there. I'll keep an eye on it. Maybe once they get a little more leaf surface they can put that N to work.Thanks for the feedback!

I would say you're right about a little too much feed, they seem pretty dark and a slight N claw tip starting
As for what to look for, if you really want to get into it, Anvil's breeder FullDuplex is an old member here, one of the OGs :eyebrows: could ask him what to look for in a pheno hunt
You can alert people to your post by putting the @ symbol in front of their name, as you type it will give suggestions and you can select them also
And if you havent yet maybe check out his mandalorian genetics section in the seed bank threads
You can alert people to your post by putting the @ symbol in front of their name, as you type it will give suggestions and you can select them also
And if you havent yet maybe check out his mandalorian genetics section in the seed bank threads

I have checked out the Mandalorian section and read through a few grows in which utilize them. I was aware of tagging people, and I actually read you post this same message to another new grow earlier, as I am not currently growing the Anvil, I wasn't going to bother the man, just yet. However, I appreciate you making sure I had the information. Just because I knew this time, doesn't mean I won't know next time. Much obliged.
You temps and humidity are a issue . To help the humidity place some bowls of water in the tent , I like my plants at this stage to be around 60 to 65 % humidity . also I believe they are a bit under watered going by the droop of the leafs .Rather than a big water every 3 to 4 days you would be better off every day . I water to little run off which gets sucked back up into the pot . other than that they are looking good . :thumbsup:
You temps and humidity are a issue . To help the humidity place some bowls of water in the tent , I like my plants at this stage to be around 60 to 65 % humidity . also I believe they are a bit under watered going by the droop of the leafs .Rather than a big water every 3 to 4 days you would be better off every day . I water to little run off which gets sucked back up into the pot . other than that they are looking good . :thumbsup:

You are absolutely right regarding the temps and humidity, I am getting the temps a little more dialed, but we just had a 3 100f+ days in a row. For the most part the temps sit around 81, its just the peak intensity of the day that pulls it out of optimal. The past few days I have been proactively venting the attic around 5pm, with a whole house window fan so when the lights kick on at 7pm its already cooled enough; its working but still dialing it in. When next it becomes an issue I can turn on 2 separate window ac units which will cool my whole home, thereby cooling the intake air to my closet. Great point about the water trays, I had seen that somewhere and meant to incorporate it and completely forgot. In regard to the more frequent waterings, each pot most recently got 3/4gals each, but really what happened is the tray got 3 gallons, after watering there was about 3/4 inch of standing water that got reabsorbed. They are scheduled to get a other watering, in 48 hours (currently bubbling off some filtered water in preparation an AACT I'm starting tonight). A lot of my watering / feed is tied to my garden schedule, due to efficiency of labor in regard to mixing and making teas, perhaps I can just hit em with a splash (1 gal for the tray) of water/silica in between waterings, and cut the volume from 3 gals to 2 gals for the tray. Let me know what you think, I appreciate the insight.

This looks bad, and it was... But it's getting better. This is a problem being addressed, not a problem being ignored.
Yep , you are on the right track . In the photos is a grow I have going now with the way I water . The secret is getting the amount of run off right . at the moment these take 1.3 liter a day with run off that is soaked up within half an hour . [ Photos - Z99 - ] :thumbsup:
Yep , you are on the right track . In the photos is a grow I have going now with the way I water . The secret is getting the amount of run off right . at the moment these take 1.3 liter a day with run off that is soaked up within half an hour . :thumbsup:

Put a couple of 1010 trays with a half gallon of muni water in each. Threw some Mosquito Bits in there to keep the gnats from setting up shop. Easier to do during lights off so I can raise the light out of the way. Also noticed some of the secondary branches on FLorence (1) that were well above the rest, so I pulled them down.

Started a batch of AACT. 15gallons filtered muni water (Camco inline garden hose filter) that gets bubbled for 12 hours. I add 1Tbs SP-85 and bubble for another 12 hours (my muni water uses chlorine, not chloramine, I use some redundancies to make sure its dealt with).

Then in goes 3Tbs of each of the following. Rehydrated kelp, fish bone meal, and molasses. I have played around adding the molasses closer to the ends to control the growth rate of bacterial populations vs fungal populations but I havent scoped the results (I know I should, dont have the means or the appropriate eye for particular microbials at this time) and I saw no obvious visual difference, however I acknowledge that my eye may not be as sharp as some others. I have also used fish hydrolysate in the past instead of fish bone meal, again not noticing a major difference with my limited experience. I have used Neptune's & Wholly Mackerel. I didnt use fish hydrolysate this time because I wanted to avoid the fast N, if in fact that little bit of burn I have is from things being a little hot, and instead opted for the high phos to feed the fungal populations in the form of fish bone meal, hopefully a little slower.

Next I hang 4cups compost and 4cups castings in a compost bag. For compost I used Bu's, for castings I used 50% Worm Gold Plus and 50% fresh local castings.

After that bubbles for 18 - 32hrs (depending on temps, warmer weather, less time) I blend 2cups of malted barley and add it to the mix. I let that go for about 4 hours more.

Thats sort of my general go to AACT, it goes in my vegetable beds and rows, as well as all my potted plants around the property. I apply it full strength to my canna, 50% diluted to everything else. Sometimes I'll add aloe fillet, alfalfa meal, it all just depends on what I think the girls need. It's probably just an amalgym of a dozen tea recipes Ive come across over the years. Im not saying its great, Im not saying its good, Im not even saying its right, but it hasnt killed any of my plants in the past few years. Open to ideas on how to tweak it for better results, while still trying to do less, not more.

Here is a list for those that like lists.
15gals water (chlorine remove)
1Tbs SP-85
3Tbs DTE Fish Bone Meal
3Tbs Hi Brix Molasses
3Tbs Rehydrated Kelp
4cups Compost
4cups Castings
2cups Malted Barley
Sounds like a great routine you've got going :thumbsup: @hecno is definitely one of your men to bounce some ideas off of, I take his posts as gospel:worship:
Organics section is loaded with info too