New Grower New Grower (3rd cycle) - 4x DP Daiquiri Lime

Girls are coming along, BLair is finally starting to yellow back as she gets deeper into flower. Soil moisture is spot on right now, doing my best to keep it there using 6L at a time, always with AgSil solution and EJ Bloom, occasionally adding mung bean SST, coconut water, ActivAloe, molasses, Recharge, and messing with Pacific Gro with Biochar as possible fish hydrolysate replacement.







Had a few 100f+ degree days, managed to keep the closet relatively cool, all things considered.
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Coming up on 2 weeks out according to breeder schedules. Front two will likely be done in that time, not sure about the back two. Heres the latest environmental data.

So things are rolling along. Experiencing some severe yellowing back, not sure the girls will have enough N to make it through flower, contemplating hitting them with a little N today. FLorence looks ready for water only, everyone else looks to be hurting for npk. What do you guys think? They have another 2 weeks by the books, clearly some will finish later than others. @Benjidubwise @seven of nine @DMHeights @Shiva's Mistress

Edit: Bubbling but have yet to apply full str dose of 2-2-0.3 Pacific Gro Oceanic Hydrolysate, as well as 24mL EJ Bloom (molasses & kelp as well). That yellow has me worried they wont be able to photosynthesize.







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Those two are pretty yellow buddy :pass: and a little too early aswell,
Maybe ask the experts in the infirmary?
If you're sure on the ph measurements you've been getting, then I guess it's a lockout of some other sorts, have you checked ppm? You've been adding something almost every post so you know they have food :shrug:
Happy growing:goodluck:
Those two are pretty yellow buddy :pass: and a little too early aswell,
Maybe ask the experts in the infirmary?
If you're sure on the ph measurements you've been getting, then I guess it's a lockout of some other sorts, have you checked ppm? You've been adding something almost every post so you know they have food :shrug:
Happy growing:goodluck:

You might be onto something there, they have been relatively acidic for most of the grow. Maybe Ill water them with higher pH water. Hoping for the best, but not hopeful... Much obliged.

Hit them with some filtered tap and Recharge. 6.5-7.2 out of the tap, everything else I have been watering in as been acidic with pH up to 5.5 - 6.6, making me question my pH up and my cheap pH pens. PPM were at 635 of the fert mix, forgot to check it on the Recharge and water.
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I'd echo @DMHeights -- if your pH and other readings are okay, then hit them with a little extra N, along with the high PK that you've already been giving them for flowering. Hopefully something where the N is quickly available.
Check your water coming out when you water, not just going in.
Sometimes you're putting it at the right pH, but something is making them actually be a different pH inside (and therefore what comes out).
Otherwise, all the best for the home straight!!!!
looking pretty good,budding up nice with lots of white hairs :thumbsup: sundays pics
yesterday pics an overall yellowing....hmm backs up a bit...5ml of PH down :yoinks: hmm the stuff i had was like 3 drops/L....X6L =18 drops still less than 2ml.
im not good with nutes thats not biobizz.....but looking at last page npk numbers 3,1,0..2,0,0..1,2,0 = 6,3,1 npk thinking ya have enough N/or N may not be the issue.
if M was an echo ima gonna sound like a brocken record:blahblah:.think DM has it :smoking:a bit too yellow too early.most likely a lock out or PH.
having got into a fight with a yellow PH pen a few year gonna blame it,it was making me add ph down.....and i knew that the more nutes i added/or the more flowering nutes i added,the ph of my feedings got lower.but the pen was telling me to add ph i did.
when i got a new PH pen and played about testing plain water 6.8/water sat for 24 hours 7.0/a light veg feed 6.6/middle veg/bloom 6.3/a heavy flower feed 5.9/a little run off (not flushing/slurry test, just a tiny bit of runoff) to satisfy my interest. the new PH pen was telling me i didnt have to add ph up or down............i could if i wanted to fine tune my feedings.but im more of a the less ya do,the less can go wrong kinda grower.(theory ph up/down kills microbrobes and all them good things)
down side of cheap PH pens....if the same yellow pen can be sold from £3 to £20 it can be made for pennies.(how can it be accurite to 0.1?)
up was cheap,just like a ruler or yard stick with no lines or markings on it.
down side of an expensive PH pen....if ya do tests and everything is fine and dandy,you have wasted £70.
upside...let me know that the yellow PH was far from the bargain i thought it was.
i did get a cheap tds meter base water 160ppm my heaviest of feeds 900 ish.but as im a soil grower i did a test 4 years ago and havnt touched the tds meter since..........but it was as cheap as the PH pen,if it still works im not sure i could trust the readings.
conclusion............i think you a good grower,you can do the outdoor fruit n veggies thing.indoor a challenge with to canna growers have to find their feet,even if they had a marrow in the village ya use PH pen in the garden ? i say bin it and go alfesco for a bit and see what happens.or get the Hanna/Bluelab/and a few other brands that sell PH pens for £60 plus at the top of yer todo list.
4th opinion waira infirmary can see thing nobody else can,can diagnose and recommend treatments that i never heard of let allone remember.
good luck n keep er lit:pighug:
looking pretty good,budding up nice with lots of white hairs :thumbsup: sundays pics
yesterday pics an overall yellowing....hmm backs up a bit...5ml of PH down :yoinks: hmm the stuff i had was like 3 drops/L....X6L =18 drops still less than 2ml.
im not good with nutes thats not biobizz.....but looking at last page npk numbers 3,1,0..2,0,0..1,2,0 = 6,3,1 npk thinking ya have enough N/or N may not be the issue.
if M was an echo ima gonna sound like a brocken record:blahblah:.think DM has it :smoking:a bit too yellow too early.most likely a lock out or PH.
having got into a fight with a yellow PH pen a few year gonna blame it,it was making me add ph down.....and i knew that the more nutes i added/or the more flowering nutes i added,the ph of my feedings got lower.but the pen was telling me to add ph i did.
when i got a new PH pen and played about testing plain water 6.8/water sat for 24 hours 7.0/a light veg feed 6.6/middle veg/bloom 6.3/a heavy flower feed 5.9/a little run off (not flushing/slurry test, just a tiny bit of runoff) to satisfy my interest. the new PH pen was telling me i didnt have to add ph up or down............i could if i wanted to fine tune my feedings.but im more of a the less ya do,the less can go wrong kinda grower.(theory ph up/down kills microbrobes and all them good things)
down side of cheap PH pens....if the same yellow pen can be sold from £3 to £20 it can be made for pennies.(how can it be accurite to 0.1?)
up was cheap,just like a ruler or yard stick with no lines or markings on it.
down side of an expensive PH pen....if ya do tests and everything is fine and dandy,you have wasted £70.
upside...let me know that the yellow PH was far from the bargain i thought it was.
i did get a cheap tds meter base water 160ppm my heaviest of feeds 900 ish.but as im a soil grower i did a test 4 years ago and havnt touched the tds meter since..........but it was as cheap as the PH pen,if it still works im not sure i could trust the readings.
conclusion............i think you a good grower,you can do the outdoor fruit n veggies thing.indoor a challenge with to canna growers have to find their feet,even if they had a marrow in the village ya use PH pen in the garden ? i say bin it and go alfesco for a bit and see what happens.or get the Hanna/Bluelab/and a few other brands that sell PH pens for £60 plus at the top of yer todo list.
4th opinion waira infirmary can see thing nobody else can,can diagnose and recommend treatments that i never heard of let allone remember.
good luck n keep er lit:pighug:

Much love and appreciation friend. I think you are all of you are spot on. The outdoor garden is alfresco, I dont pH or measure shit. Indoor garden, Im measuring and adjusting everything. I am actually wondering if something is up with my pH up solution. I scrapped yesterdays batch of feed because it took 30mL to pH it.... It may not be right, but I think next run Im just gonna treat it like my outdoor, but with more frequent top dressings and waterings due to pot size. Outdoor Peyote Critical and Peyote Gorilla. No where near the problems of the indoor. Going to hit them with water only for a few days and see what happens. Can't say Im not bummed or concerned, still very excited to apply what I learned this grow, next grow.

I think next grow I will mix my own soil, as I do for my outdoor. Use a larger pot as I do for my outdoor, I have a 2' x 2' x 1' square fabric bed that I want to multiplant in next time. I will invest in accurate and reliable test equipment. I will come up with a more cohesive vision for any additional watered in goodies. I started this TLO and then switched to organics mid grow, also added a new hydrolysate mid grow... I need to be consistent. Environment is much more sorted, I can add a humidifier but water trays seem to work. Not sure how the closet will hold up overwinter, but I suspect temps will be effortlessly ideal. Hoping I can turn this one around, but theres always next time...


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outdoor looks spot on :thumbsup:
my first outdoor plant,i threw a seed in the ground and a 6ft bush grew,didnt do anything never even watered it :smokeit:2nd time i tried i got caught and that was the end of that :frowny: fast forward 20 years indoor 1st grow overwatered stunted te fuck.2nd grow underwatered stunted to hell.3rd burnt the shit outa them week 3.4th underfed whisp of things.bought a shit load of gear,changed pots.rededinged me cupboard 6 on me 5th not doin anything different now than what i was 6 years ago,jus a hell of a lot less of it (less is more)KISS keep it simple stupid (the less ya do the less can go wrong) i spend a max of 10mins in me cupboard once a day now.plants look after themselves....we just provide bed and breakfast.
we all guilty of mollycoddling our plants,il just do this il just do that,i tried boasters at £20 for a tiny bottle when the biobizz nutes was £10 for a huge pen threw me.i got no talent for it,just repetition and a bit of experience with one line of soil and one line of soil.
growing weed aint rocket science,but it can be if we want it to :paleo: some of them aero/aquaponics set ups can either kill a plant,or bring back a plant from the dead in a few hours.we can add microbes/powders/granuals/liquid nutes/bosters/added extras.or build a soil and water only,and allsorts inbetween jus whatever suits.
trust your gut and your own experience with the outdoor plants,canna and otherwise :coffee:dunna feel so bummed you tryin to improve/perfect the canna growing technique.tried something and it didnt quite work out.concerned yeah but buds still look good :thumbsup: and after week 6 ish we growing buds not leaves :smokeit: breeders tend to be optomistic with times +7-10 days more accurate,some can be +3 weeks.still quicker and handier than photoperiods so what odds :shrug:
you got this far,throw caution to the wind....and throw that ph pen along with it :cuss:
outdoor plants look good....we have no idea what Ph the soil is around the plants is......but if ph was far off the plants wouldnt be so healthy looking,even if they had the pefect anounts of npk and all the other micro nutes.
do what you what you know works outdoors :smokeit:indoors.but obviously a lil more as they in pots.
good luck n keep er lit