Photoperiod New Ducksfoot from Seed!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
WOOOOOOOOOO! The seeds I bought were good! I have three new ducklings sprouted from 6 planted. I expect a couple more will pop soon! Now I just need a male. I'm Excited!

With a male, I can revive the Ducksfoot I have now, that survive only from clone. the local strain is I recently found out, much older than Wally Duck's, My friend says he was growing Ducksfoot when he was 17, he's now 43, so they've been in the area at least 26 years! Our clones are the last of the originals, the last males were lost a couple years ago. So now, I can breed them with these are revive the genetics of our and create seed for them!

7 months of hunting for Ducksfoot seed has paid off!

New Ducksfoot from seed pic1 -2-22-2017.jpg
New Ducksfoot from seed pic2 -2-22-2017.jpg
New Ducksfoot from seed pic3 -2-22-2017.jpg
Thanks guys! Been in some discussions on a private forum. There seems to be at least 2 conflicting, or 2 variations of, ducksfoot. One says it originated in Hawaii and the other says Australia, some say there are 2 strains. I think Australia seems more likely. This plant is pre-historic in my opinion. DF has several differences from other Cannabis besides the leaves. Sometimes you'll see thorn like structures on the stem. When cloned, the clone dies as a new sprout starts at the base of the plant. And they are a bitch to clone lol! They form buds the entire length of the branch, often right up to the stem!
Thanks guys! Been in some discussions on a private forum. There seems to be at least 2 conflicting, or 2 variations of, ducksfoot. One says it originated in Hawaii and the other says Australia, some say there are 2 strains. I think Australia seems more likely. This plant is pre-historic in my opinion. DF has several differences from other Cannabis besides the leaves. Sometimes you'll see thorn like structures on the stem. When cloned, the clone dies as a new sprout starts at the base of the plant. And they are a bitch to clone lol! They form buds the entire length of the branch, often right up to the stem!
That is very cool info. :D
Hey @pop22
wow good to hear you found more ducks, there are much different ducks in progress @AFN that will be a big step in the cannabis breeding game.
I hope to see different ducks with different smell taste and high in the near future.
I cant wait to restart growing and breeding.
cu tobe

Had the DUCKSFOOT myself many years ago,,,,not a bad plant at all,for the look haha!
Pretty potent and tight buds once they get going.....have a good grow man,memories here,,,,thanx!!!

Transplanted the seedlings into 1 gallon pots 2 days ago, and Wooooo have they grown already! Looking good, big, fat, healthy leaves!

At transplant:
New Ducksafoot seedlings pic1 -3-3-2017.jpg


New Ducksfoot seedlings pic1 -3-9-2017.jpg
New Ducksfoot seedlings pic2 -3-9-2017.jpg