Indoor New auto pot system ordered any advice ?

Aug 12, 2014
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Hi guys , I'm going to be using a 6 pot system 15L pots , 47l res do I need a air stone in the res ? I've read on a few forums that they have effect on the ph ? Is this correct ? Also what would you suggest would be the best growing medium ?I normally use light mix and hand water (very simple), but have read that a base of clay pebbles , along with coco pro has in this system works very well ? I've also seen 50/50 coco perlite I'm no expert so what would you think would be beneficial? Any info would be awsome
Hey ukgrower, hope you have a lot of space for a 6 pot system, plants can get quite big with these :grin: I keep an airstone in my res, I use AN pH perfect nutes tho so my pH is stable... Also any light soil or coco mix with additional perlite will work well, and yes a 1" bottom layer of clay pebbles is recommended.

Here's another good journal with autopots to check out as well.
Sorry for being impatient was in the process of ordering online whilst I had 2 mins my self ... again I do apologise thanks for response :)
What growing medium would be best recommend ? For this system I normally use plagron light mix when hand watering would there be a better type to use with better results in this grow ?