Mephisto Genetics New artisanal run! Northern cheese haze, sour livers and auto livers F3

hey guys,

Day 45 update, I snapped a couple of shots of a pollinated sour livers. Smelling wonderful, looking fine, they seem happy girls under the cmh's.
Not much more to say :D , I'll get a little update on the NCH done tomorrow, it'll be another week or so before the auto livers girls are ready to be pollinated too.



Hey guys! Day 52 from sprout update for the Sour Livers and NCH

Both myself and the Sour Livers seem to be loving the CMH - for 315w only, they're flowering really nicely. Not monster buds, but the lights can be lowered so close to the plants and remain cool, the density is super nice - And more importantly the seed development looks perfectly on track.

I have to say, I'm really in love with the Sour Livers.. That tent is oh too moreish. And when you give them a finger hug, it's on your fingers and up your nose for ages after.
I started 60 regular sour livers seeds last night to put in the rotation for a turn in the flowering tents.

I zoomed in on this pic and can see some ambers showing their heads :D , this was just the closest to hand.

sour livers 1s.jpg

sour livers 2s.jpg

sour livers 3s.jpg

NCH were some time (development wise) behind the sour livers, but that made for a nice early pollination.
I'm really impressed with these too - Despite having a sativa appearance to the flowers, they are actually really nice and compact.
They're starting to turn on their funk now too!

nch 2s.jpg

nch 1s.jpg

The auto livers will be due for pollinating early next week! I'll grab some pics when they are.
