Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II

Looking nice there.

That is a strange mutation, can't see it clearly, though doesn't look like anything I've seen before.

Question for you, as a Jack Herer grower:
I'm thinking of in the future doing some breeding work with some of the Sweet Seeds strains that have Jack in them.
Like the Jack 47, the Devil strains from Big Devil [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and Dark Devil, and the Black Jack.
But I'm trying to find ideally a nice Jack Herer or JH hybrid that is an auto and also sold in regular (not fem) seed.
Do you know of anything? I've been checking out lots of sites....
Could do a photo JH strain and breed out for two generations to get the autos.
But.... too much work, haha.

Know any nice reg, auto JH strains at any breeders?
Looks twice as good as last year.
"Anybody know just wth is going on with her? Should I pluck her and germ another bean? Never seen mutation like that. :eek1:"
I'm a firm believer of starting a couple/few extra from the start, and weeding things like that out, as well as any runts.
Looking nice there.

That is a strange mutation, can't see it clearly, though doesn't look like anything I've seen before.

Question for you, as a Jack Herer grower:
I'm thinking of in the future doing some breeding work with some of the Sweet Seeds strains that have Jack in them.
Like the Jack 47, the Devil strains from Big Devil [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and Dark Devil, and the Black Jack.
But I'm trying to find ideally a nice Jack Herer or JH hybrid that is an auto and also sold in regular (not fem) seed.
Do you know of anything? I've been checking out lots of sites....
Could do a photo JH strain and breed out for two generations to get the autos.
But.... too much work, haha.

Know any nice reg, auto JH strains at any breeders?

I was unable to find regular autos of any variety of Jack. We'll be able to see these two examples of Greenhouse's and Royal Queen's. I've got high hopes. Definitely going to continue backbreeding the JaHe & RoJa lines. Jack Herer was a Skunk/Northern Lights/Haze hybrid so incorporating auto varieties of these strains might be a thought, too.
Looks twice as good as last year.
"Anybody know just wth is going on with her? Should I pluck her and germ another bean? Never seen mutation like that. :eek1:"
I'm a firm believer of starting a couple/few extra from the start, and weeding things like that out, as well as any runts.

I know, she is messed up lookin'. Those were my last two beans of Blueberry Headband Auto. Might have to germ something from one of the Af Portal varieties, at least I know they're all fast. That Blackstone last year was a re-seed, too. In place of a Jock Horror Auto that didn't germ, and she turned out amazing.
I wish I'd held back awhile on my Black stone, it got stunted badly along with the rest of my first round of autos.
That mutant is a weird one all right I'm always curious what they turn into but you probably don't want to donate too much precious resources to it. Looking good there brother hope the weather treats you right. Had just a few rays here yesterday finally the plants loved it.
I was unable to find regular autos of any variety of Jack. We'll be able to see these two examples of Greenhouse's and Royal Queen's. I've got high hopes. Definitely going to continue backbreeding the JaHe & RoJa lines. Jack Herer was a Skunk/Northern Lights/Haze hybrid so incorporating auto varieties of these strains might be a thought, too.

Hey. Thanks for the reply.
Using the NL / Sk or Hz would preserve genetics.
But I think that too many plants have these.
Looking for something more unique.

Maybe I'll just look for a JH hybrid of some type.
But ideally in reg auto, not fem, seed.
I wish I'd held back awhile on my Black stone, it got stunted badly along with the rest of my first round of autos.
That mutant is a weird one all right I'm always curious what they turn into but you probably don't want to donate too much precious resources to it. Looking good there brother hope the weather treats you right. Had just a few rays here yesterday finally the plants loved it.

Yeah, she's in a five gallon. Waste of space if she doesn't straighten out. Going to extract her to a one gallon as best I can and germ something else.
Hey. Thanks for the reply.
Using the NL / Sk or Hz would preserve genetics.
But I think that too many plants have these.
Looking for something more unique.

Maybe I'll just look for a JH hybrid of some type.
But ideally in reg auto, not fem, seed.

I understand why they fem the seeds, but at the same time I'd rather reserve the ability to make more myself. I looked for a long time before settling on femmed Jack autos.
Steady as she goes.

Except BbHb#1:

There's a halfway decent close up of what's going on with her.
I once had a mutant freak like that which was a Northern Lights [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] about 2 decades ago....i had an extra hole i already dug, so i said what the hell and threw her in...the weird mutated growth continued all season and growth was very slow...still in the end she put out possibly the most potent bud i have ever smoked...in fact i was accused to lacing the bud by 2 different tokers. Yield was shit, but potency was uber strong. Since then i grow nearly every plant that pops out....though autos are certainly different than photos due to such a short veg period.