New Grower Need4Weed's Very 1st Auto Grow Journal - 5 Strains of Autoflower Bliss

I'm telling you man. Imho the best way to learn a strain is to grow a couple and watch, taste, feel and smoke them all the way to harvest... I usually start tasting at 60 days give or take depending... It's fun and you'll learn the exact time for harvest the next time you grow that strain, get high and feel the difference as she ages...

Makes sense Rhyce, now I won't feel as guilty for snipping a little taste, as I can say it's necessary for a good harvest, lol :peace:

Woah Need4Weed good stuff!!! Those are going to be some great harvests... Lucky girls get to be outside!

Let's see that thumb? Yup, it's green! :greenthumb::slap:

Thanks for the rep slap bro, that's my first one since we started over! :peace:

I'm sorry, I've not followed everything but at this stage in life, I'd add a couple of nice things to your tool chest. Bush Doctor Sledgehammer and Boomerang... Sledgehammer will clear out the crap and open up the carbs and Boomerang sets things right again... After that continue with your regular feeding program... RS

Hey bro, it just so happens that I have both, lol Although the sledgehammer I have is in a small bottle I got from the nute barn on ebay. I flushed with it and used boomerang at day 35. When do you usually flush bro? I also used the boomerang on my photo grow after the girls got too cold and there leaves were hanging down and crawling. The boomerang brought them back good as new ... :peace:
Looking nice. Have some of the thunder bloody Mary's that I got as freebies. Wanna see how yours does. Good luck and happy growing

Thanks zepherlight and glad to have you. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home :peace:
I made a terrible discovery today!!! I had heard numerous people talking about the additional perils of growing auto-flowers outdoors and I guess I should have brainstormed a list of possible negative outcomes, because today I found Bud Rot on the Purple Amnesia # 2, (and a fairly large spot of it.). I just cut the whole secondary bud away from the stalk and savaged what I could. There's just been so much rain nearly every day for the last 10 days or so. Luckily, it wasn't on the main cola, but it was on the main stem about half way up. I feel like I've should have spotted it earlier, but live and learn. I checked all the other plants very carefully and I didn't see anymore. The extended forecast is 4 or 5 days without rain and you better believe I'll be keeping a close watch on all of them. :peace:

Sorry to hear about the boytris Need. Good catch though and don't beat yourself up about it. It is hard to spot early, even for skilled growers, and it progresses so quickly.

Now for the bad part, the rain isn't the only thing you have to consider. The high RH is just as bad as the rain, so keep an even closer eye out until you are ready to harvest. For me, I always give the buds a gently squeeze. If they are firm then move on. If you feel one that seems a little too spongy then you need to begin moving some foliage and inspecting closer. Get your scissors out and trim off any plant matter that is beginning to die, especially the sugar leaves around the buds. Dead or decaying plant matter is an open invitation to boytris. The mold attacks parts of the plant that are unhealthy the quickest so better to get the dead leaves off before you have problems.

Best of luck brother. Sending you some arid weather karma.
Sorry to hear about the boytris Need. Good catch though and don't beat yourself up about it. It is hard to spot early, even for skilled growers, and it progresses so quickly.

Now for the bad part, the rain isn't the only thing you have to consider. The high RH is just as bad as the rain, so keep an even closer eye out until you are ready to harvest. For me, I always give the buds a gently squeeze. If they are firm then move on. If you feel one that seems a little too spongy then you need to begin moving some foliage and inspecting closer. Get your scissors out and trim off any plant matter that is beginning to die, especially the sugar leaves around the buds. Dead or decaying plant matter is an open invitation to boytris. The mold attacks parts of the plant that are unhealthy the quickest so better to get the dead leaves off before you have problems.

Best of luck brother. Sending you some arid weather karma.

Thanks for the tips A4! I'll be squeezing buds and watching for that nasty mold from now on. I don't believe it was really that good of a catch because to be honest, I was admiring the rows of trichomes on the sugar leaves when I just happened to notice the boytris. I also got rid of the dead and yellowish leaves on the bottom .. I was needing something to smoke, lol ... :peace:
Day 53

I usually update on Fridays, but since my recent bout of Bud Rot I thought by keeping my journal more up to date it might help me keep a closer eye on the girls. It hasn't rained in the past couple of days, but we just couldn't get rid of all the clouds. Then finally today the sun came out and I don't know who was happier, me or the plants, lol. I refuse to let them set out again in back to back days of rain, even if I have to put them back in the shower! If I had the extra funds, I would buy an older model Mars LED light and finish as many I could there. I should have the money this fall for at least 1, and maybe even 2.

In the mean time, no outwardly signs of the dreaded boytris. I squeezed all the buds as A4 suggested and to be honest they all felt on the spongy side, but then again ... I 've never quite squeezed them that tight before. I've been setting the pots with about 1/4 of their bottom edge hanging over the table that I do examinations and take pictures on, and I can tell it's helping dry out the 3 gallon fabric pots faster, (compared to the one I didn't have room for). I've also been battling a CalMag problem with the auto Fire 99s and I don't believe I'm going to transplant them to a larger pot until I get it under control, unless someone has a good reason to do it anyways.

On the bright side, I'm starting to see 2 of the girls starting to get a slight hint of purple. I'm also seeing a hell of a lot of trichomes on the Purple Amnesias and the Sam Sara Bloody Marys. There all over the buds, sugar leaves and even on the stems! The NL x BB, and the WOS Amnesia are not as developed, but there sure are getting tall. I would guess they are over 24 inches right now, compared to 16 to 18 inches on the others. I have some more seeds of all these girls, except the WOS Amnesia and I look forward to doing a seed run this fall with the NL x BB and whatever I decide to cross it with, besides itself. I also got some more seeds in the mail today, including auto THC Bombs and Fast Buds Blackberry + freebies.

As always, any comments, suggestions, opinions, ect are always welcomed and appreciated!!!

P.S. Since I couldn't get all the pictures loaded at once, here are Purple Amnesia # 1, # 2 and # 3. Each picture is followed by a close-up of the main cola. Again, sorry for the poor picture quality.

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Before I post some more pictures, I'm thinking about doing some surgery on a few of the plants. I'm not sure if it's where I topped or fimed them, but I notice there are buds at the very top that are damm near growing together. On one I seen 3 like that. I tried pulling them apart a little, at least to let a little fresh dry air blow through the crack, lol. I'm just wondering since I'm already experiencing bud rot, should I not just cut one of them away. It seems to me that it would allow more air flow on the remaining cola. Then again, I realize that any dead foliage I might leave would be a prime spot for future outbreaks. Anyone reading, I would sure appreciate some advice!

Here are the 3 Sam Sara Bloody Marys posted just like the Purple Amnesia above. Also, included at the end is the NL x BB. I'm not sure what happened to the WOS Amnesia, but they both look a lot alike with the Amnesia having a couple more secondary bud sites ... :peace:

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I dunno man. If you were inside I'd say leave em and just get a fan blowing on them. But since you're outdoors you can't really get a fan going on them and for that I understand your concern of mold. You should keep em on if at all possible, but without constant air blowing over it does increase the chance of mold starting so I can honestly see both sides in this case.