New Grower Need4Weed's Very 1st Auto Grow Journal - 5 Strains of Autoflower Bliss

Sounds like your dad was born around the same time as my stepdad. That generation did have a tough row to hoe. First they got to deal with the depression as kids, then it was off to war they went. Respects

The more time goes by the more I understand how that generation really had a hard row to hoe. The term "The Greatest Generation" originated from Tom Brokaw's 1998 book of the same name. In the book, Brokaw wrote, "it is, I believe, the greatest generation any society has ever produced." He argued that these men and women fought not for fame and recognition, but because it was the "right thing to do."

I just wish my dad would have lived long enough to hear that Jamey Johnson song "In Color," because I knew he would really be able to relate to it!

Depression wise, I think my mom had it a little worse as my maternal grandparents were dirt poor and tried to scratch a living farming. I know without a doubt she knew the pangs of hunger, as she would feed any stray animal. Also, I'll never forget when I was a kid in Detroit we had neighbors who stayed drunk and their daughters who were younger than I would come to our back door every day and my mother would have them a plate of food waiting. I remember how she would worry if they didn't show up and how she cried when they moved away. :peace:
Day 12+

Two milestones for the girls today as they got there first taste of real sunshine, and they also were fed their 1st nutes this evening. I put them outside about 11am today as temps have struggled to get into the mid 60's the last few days, (either warm-n-rainy or chilly). There's a frost advisory in the area for tonight and I think my Fire99's got a nip of ole Jack Frost last night as all their leaves were crawling today, (I think that's the right term as all the leaves were droopy and curled under). Nute wise I gave the girls 3 ml of FF Big Bloom and 2 ml of fish emulsion. I added 2 ml of CalMag also. A few minor issues/questions as I still haven't decided on names or a theme for names and I've also read in a thread about autos taking longer to mature outdoors. If anyone has any suggestions, comments, observations, what-have-you, please don't hesitate as positive and/or negative responses will be well received ... Peace all!!!
Hope the weather picks up for you mate. Not familiar with the ff nutes do they use bloom nutes the whole way through

Thanks for the question sang! That's one of those things I do without knowing why exactly, just something I seen others do I guess, lol. Just looking at the bottle it contains .01 N, .03 P and .07 K, which don't seem like very much of anything, but the real value is in the Norwegian Kelp. It contains trace minerals and micro nutes which is required all through the grow. Thanks again for making me research the why ... Peace!
Day 15+

All the girls are enjoying a light watering after I added more medium to their pots which included approx. 60% worm castings, 25% coco, and 15% of organic soil. I was a little worried about ph swings as I added a couple cups to each pot, but from what I've read earth worm castings are suppose to be neutral ph wise. I guess I could have used my cheap ph soil tester, but I didn't want to wait or have to water the worm castings before testing. Hopefully there will be an Accurate 8 in my future along with one of those older Mars LED grow lights. I'm also going to put the girls outside again tomorrow, (and any other days that it don't rain), and since the temperatures are still dropping below 50 degrees at night, I'm going to put off leaving them outside for the time being. Also, I would rather wait till they're at least 3 weeks old as I know the change in light schedule from 24/0 to approx. 12/12 will send them into flowering mode for sure. As always all questions, comments, observations, ect are always welcomed and appreciated ... :peace:

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Hey Need4Weed,

if you don't mind welcoming late spectators... I brought my folding chair and virtual snacks for everyone.
I def want to see those girls bloom outside.

Sending green karma your way!

Proud to have you Chuck! I've heard some rumors about some negative experiences with growing autos outdoors, but I've never been able to learn much without finding out the hard way. I think I'm prepared for pests, but only time will tell. My biggest concern are the weed helicopters that love to find grows in my state, but it seems they don't really start looking in my part of the state until the middle of July. Hopefully my meds will be in jars by then ... :peace: