Need4Weed's Perceptual Muti-Strain Grow using MegaCrop!

A couple friend of mine came by to help me trim today. It wasn't a huge job, but I didn't have to trim much at all and that's a good thing for the arthritis in my hands/fingers. :hump: Not much of a smell from this girl, (compared to other Mephisto Strains), or the other plants in my grow just stunk her out! :gassy: I did get a fruity whiff of grapefruit and citrus when she was getting the chop! :tang: No wet weight yet, I was too busy smoking scissor hash and I forgot! :crying: I got a really good sativa high, an almost instant happiness head high! :thumbsup:
I will post a dry weight when the time is right! In the meantime, his a few pics! Btw, the bud shot is a side cola that I had to re-tie about a month ago. I remember thinking then, "this bud feels heavier than anything I've ever grown before!" :headbang:

That's righteous man. Sounds like you got a winner. I am hoping the dehumidifier can play more of a role in my grows. From what I understand if you grow some great plants you need a dehumidifier in the tent. Well I got the dehumidifier. Just need the plants. Trouble is mine is 500 watts.
I didn't even check the wattage on mine, but I do want to eventually move it into my grow space so I can set up the continues drain. I'm think it would be easier to hit the sweet spot with the unit in the grow space. I'm thinking a 12 ga 25 ft heavy duty extension cord should handle the load, whatever is is! :crying:
I was getting ready to update the Growpito test thread and I thought I needed to do the same here ... so here goes! After having to toss a lot of the last harvest due to mold, I went out and bought this bad boy!

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I've set it up in the main bedroom where the intake and exhaust is and it's working great. I looked up Consumer Report and went with their 2nd recommendation after I couldn't get the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] quick enough. Since it's brand new, I seen new reason not to use the waste water for feeding. So far, so good! Now on to the girls! :headbang:

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Above is the White Crack and I plan to give her the blade tomorrow! :tang: And below it the Double Grape and I plant to let her go a few more days! :headbang:

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The Sweet N' Sour and Blackberry are chugging along and the SnS seems to be a little further along. I also cropped the main cola of the BB as it was showing light burn. Sorry no individual pics as these girls are going to be massive! :headbang:

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Also, the stunted Double Grape at day 98. :headbang:

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Finally, the 2 Growpito test girls! The Psychofruit is really coming along and the breeder seems to be on point as a 60 day strain. She's a stinker too! Btw, I accidentally labeled the Purple Nuggets as Double Grape ... Opps! :headbang:

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That SNS looking DANK as F@@K...Your killing it Need! I’m going to germ one tommorow and an array of others also giving MC a go I might have some questions for ya!
Temps 70 - 79
Humidity 55 - 65
One week since my last update so here we go! Both of the oldest girls, (White Crack on Sunday and Double Grape on Wednesday), have been chopped, although the Double Grape hasn't been trimmed yet. Here's a couple pics!


Next up are the Sweet N' Sour and Blackberry. I had to raise the lights as the BB was showing signs that she was way too close. They are now at 22 inches above the canopy.



And finally the Growpito test girls! :headbang:

Impressive! :thumbsup:
Thanks @KREATURE :pighug:

Btw, I forgot to mention that the PN is starting to show some color in the pistils and despite my best effort to top the tallest cola on the BB, she's flown me the bird :finger: and is again the tallest cola! :shrug: Notice the bend in the stalk! :shrug:
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Nicely done Need! Are the first 2 pics both double grape? No pics of the white crack at harvest time?
Yeah, the first 2 pics are the DG and she's actually been chopped, (Wed nite), I just let the trichs harden up for a couple days before I trimmed her, (which I did last night. I was going to post pics but couldn't find my camera). No pics of the WC except the manicured buds I posted earlier. I've been busy washing jars and I should have a dry weight on the WC later today or tomorrow, (I hope). Here's a couple pics of the WC if you missed them. :headbang:

Just got the White Crack weighed up and she came in at just over 7 zips, (203 grams). She smells of citrus grapefruit and there's also an undertone that reminds me of skittles candy. :shrug: She was a pleasure to grow and I look forward to running her in the future. I tried a sample bud and got a decent buzz and I can't wait to try her out after a good cure! Here's some pics and thanks for stopping by! :headbang:
