Indoor Need Some Suggestions On This New Cab

  • Thread starter Thread starter jhnfrmrby420
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I have this dresser thats 30 wide, 22 deep and 44 high, was wondering if someone could help me set this up stealth so I do it the right way the first time. Seems like it would make a decent cab, wondering how many I can fit in there and what lights to use, venatalation, where to put the bulbs fans outlets inlets etc...My 400HPS would most likely be too hot for it, so was asking how many CFL's etc, what fans, where to place them etc any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't afford to buy new lights at this time, but I do have plenty of CFL's 23 watters and 40's
try 2 of those 6 bulb bathroom fixtures. nice oscillating fan kept outside. Try 7.5inch square pots. Looks like u can fit 6 in there. Keep it simple
Computer fans may also be a good idea.
If you can cut holes on each side and place intake and outake computer fans
The only thing with the exhaust and intake is I have to keep it hidden somehow, this has to be stealth. So what would everyone suggest I do as far as spots to put the holes, exhaust on top back and intake on bottom back?????? Should I make it so those light fixtures could be raised and lowered?
Hi jhnfrmrby420,

I grow in a 20 cubic feet tent, 2'X2'X5' and can share that the biggest problem with a small space like that is temperature control. Using (6) CFL's some days it is very difficult keeping the temps below 85 degrees, when temps rise i have to shed lighting load. I suggest you start with a good plan for ventilation and everything else should fall into place much easier.

Good luck with your grow - RF
i have to say i agree, i am currently running a trial run box with a hydrangea cutting and a coleus species cutting from summer- growth is awsome! my space is exactly 16"X13"X2.7' H. i run two sometimes three pc fans wired up to a 12 volt box. temps fluctuate anywhere between 97-100 degrees F. the coleus looks fantastic; when growing them you do not want flowers, just lush gorgeous foliage and i must say the baby is booming. While at the same time the hydrangea is in full bloom and just started noticing the awesome white color of the flower umbel beginning. MY lights are two 45 watt cfls and three 23 watts with 2 13s to finish out the lot. All in all based on my specs compared to your my space is very small some lights holes cut out on the sides with some pc fans installed would be a nice cab. If you are worried about light leakage at fan sites, find your self a small box, place the box over top to "cage" and aim your light to a specific less noticeable surface area, also carbon filters may be used in integration with one another.
First off, yes, you need to have a complete plan before you dig in....
Where are you going to have the opening? I'm thinking if it were me, I'd obviously gut the draws. But keep the draw faces to reattach to the front hinged door that you'll make later...

You say stealth. So I'm guessing your dresser will be out in the room where all can see, hear and smelled by all. So maybe look at some how venting and exhausting from the bottom...Maybe you cut a small hole in the floor for this to happen...Ideally, you'd want a basement or crawl space below to move the air in and out.
Well the dresser has a few inches not seen in the outside bottom, just thought I had to make exhaust ontop to eliminate rising heat. The only filter I have is the one pictured below, so its too big to hide unless I have it in the cab somewhere and I would imagine thats going to take up needed room. I have a 400hps, but I have it in a 3x3x6ft cab now and I have heat issues so I would def think that it would be a problem in the dresser....Can you put a smaller watt bulb in a 400hps???????? If not I have 12-23 watt veg cfls, 8-40 watt flower cfl's, and one true 65 watt flower cfl. I can use those being they are not in use. Need someone to scetch out something, I have a hard time following when I read, if a diagram or pic is involved its easier, attention span doesnt stay very long being bipolar. And the inline duct fan from lowes is what I have to work with, I have a 6 inch and an 8 inch, I suppose I can get computer fans, just dont realy know how to make them work on AC voltage
As the front bottom is not fully enclosed I would put an air inlet hole in both front corners into the floor. That way you should be able to stop light leaks from the bottom with a small baffle or a couple of plumbing elbows, these would not be visible as there looks to be a few inches covered on each side. Then exhaust out the top rear, sadly other than that I dont have a lot to offer
And I do understand that you are trying to keep it cheap but have you thought about going LED as they run a lot cooler.