Indoor Natsu's topped 4 strain coco/soil with Advanced Nurients


Dragon Slayer
Jun 13, 2018
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Hey guys, this is my second grow, The strains I'll be growing this time is one of each Super Sonic Crystal Storm by Samsara Seeds, Cheese Auto by Canuk Seeds, Pakistan Ryder by World of Seeds, and Fruit Auto by Dinafem. All germinated well except the Fruit, the shell split, but it didn't show me a tap root, so I might end up having to germ another one of those. I planted them on the 18th.

The products I'll be using are Sensi Bloom 2 part, Sensi Cal Mag xtra, Big Bud, B-52, Bud Candy, Rhino Skin, Voodoo Juice, Sensizyme, Overdrive, and Bud FactorX.

The medium I'm using is 50/50 Coco coir/Black Gold Seedling Mix with one quart of perlite added amended with Mycorrhizae. The Black Gold has a lot of fine perlite in it already so I don't think I need more. The Coco I used was a dehydrated brick witch I cut a portion of, then soaked it over night in PH'd water, then again in very strong mix of cal/mg. I pressed some of the excess liquid and mixed. I'm using 1 gallon smart pots I pre-charged with 1ml/L water of Base A+B. I made a small hole in the center witch I filled with just Black Gold to prevent any issues with the pre-charge.


I'm using a 2.5x2.5x5 ft grow tent and a 400w led light. I found a good deal on 80 watt corn lights, but I had to buy 10 of them, they let me order 5 3000K and 5 6000K. I'll be using 2 in each tent as supplemental lighting. I have another tent and light, same size tent, and same wattage light, but this one is the "pro" version. I'll be setting up a room to put them in soon, but until then its just the one set up.

For the 60ml pot experiment I used the fem seeds I made in my first grow with Colloidal Silver, I have 3 Afghan Kush and 3 Purple Widow x Afghan Kush. One of the Afghans is super small, so I don't think I'll keep it around for much longer. I might do a side by side with Bud Factor X. The pics of those plants are from yestarday. I hadn't planed on documenting them, but since I'm putting up a new journal anyway I though it would. I might use that size for seed runs in the future.
I got the idea for this from (mods remove link if need be) (Edit; They are now in a hempy SOG, I couldn't control the ph in the little cups)

IMG_0132 ^.jpg

Thanks for stopping by, and have a good day guys:coco:
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The Super Sonic Crystal Storm is above ground, from here on I will refer to her as SSCS or Super Sonic. The others are getting really close, I think they will be up tomorrow. I ended up germinating another Fruit Auto as my hopes for the other one coming up are low.

Those little cups have been a ph nightmare. I've been flushing for about 4 hours and put 32 ounces through each cup, the ph dropped from 7.8 to 7.11 :deadhorse: I'm going to try lower the ph of the feed and see if that helps at all.

Thanks guys :biggrin:
Thanks man :welcome: I'll check yours out too
I haven't seen any action with the Cheese Auto and the Pakistan Ryder so I decided to germ another of each, I let them soak all day yesterday, then put them in paper towel. The new Fruit Auto seems to be doing better than the last one, she's showing a small tap root I'll let it get a little bigger then plant em'.
The Super Sonic is doing good. Still struggling with the ph in those little cups, but it is slowly coming down.

Thanks guys :biggrin:
Still struggling with the ph of the little cups, I might make a small hempy SOG in a shoebox size plastic container so I can better control the ph. I don't think I mentioned yet but the little cups are in pure Coco Coir. I planted the new Fruit Auto and the Cheese Auto yesterday, and I can already see the cheese is pushing up to the surface. The super Sonic is doing good as well, slow at first but I think it will pick up soon.

My corn lights came in the day before yesterday, so as soon as the plants start the get bigger I'm going to add a couple to the tent. I got some clip on work lights with 8.5" in. reflector to put them in. They are 80 LED watts each 5 3000K and 5 6000k, I ordered a power meter too so I'll know how much power my lights are consuming.
Thanks guys :mrgreen:

I've been having bad luck with seeds this round, I'm on my fourth Fruit Auto, hopefully this one is the winner. Third Pakistan Ryder, second Cheese Auto, and the first Super Sonic, but I decided to germinate another one because it isn't looking to strong and I wanted them to all come up around the same day. The most recent P. Ryder looked pretty strong, I put it in the ground this morning. On a plus note, seedsman is having a Halloween sale with 18 free auto seeds on orders above 75 eur. so of coarse I took advantage of that. They have a fem photoperiod and CBD packages as well, but I chose the Autos.

My 60ml pot experiment is now a hempy SOG, the PH was just to hard to control in the little cups, I had been feeding them at PH 2.5 so the runoff would come out 6.0. I definitely want to revisit that experiment though, next time with Rockwool. :lol: They seem to be adjusting the their home okay, but I don't think much will happen for a couple days, at least until they get over the stress from the transplant. They are in a tote about the size of a shoe box with all perlite. I have just been giving them base nutes with some sensizyme and B-52 and 100ppm cal mag.

The first is of the Cheese Auto today and the micro SOG, from today or yesterday.
Thanks guys:mrgreen:

I was kind of worried about how fast micros were fading, but I checked the trichomes yesterday and they are pretty much all cloudy, a few amber on one of them.
I was definitely not expecting them to be ready this fast, I think its been just over a month, I'll have to look back in my notes to find out. I'll give them a couple mls Over Drive and maybe Bud Factor X in their next feeding. The bud pic is one of the Purple Widow X Afghan Kush


The first seeding is the Cheese auto, Its leaves are looking a little deformed, hopefully she grows out of it. If it doesn't make it I will probably start one of the Purple Widows or a P.W. x Afghan Kush from my first grow in its place to keep some satvia in the mix.
The next is the Pakistan Ryder, and after it is the new Super Sonic.


Thanks guys :mrgreen:
Hey guys. The cheese seems to be making a bit of a recovery, new growth is still coming in. The Pakistan Ryder is doing okay, but its showing very slow growth, with the Super Sonic looking the best. I had very bad luck with the Fruit Autos, Not one of 4 was able to break the surface. They germinated a little bit, the tap root was no longer than 1-2 mms on each seed so I don't think they had enough strength to grow out of the shell. In their place will be one Mamba Negra From Blimburn Seeds. I soaked one in water over night and put it in paper towel, but I decided to soak another one today just to be sure I get one plant going. I might even soak the last one to try make sure the plants are as close in age as possible.

The micros got their last feeding today, 200 ppm AN Cal/Mag, Sensi bloom A+B, Over Drive, and Bud Factor X. After today they will only get water for the next few days.
Thanks guys:mrgreen:
Hey guys. It came to my surprise that the Mamba Negra Germinated very well, It showed me a good size tap root just after sitting in water for 24 hrs, it was a good 3-4 mm long, it sat in paper towel all day, then that evening I planted it, 2 days later, today, it was above ground and looking strong. I'm glad I only germinated 2 of them. One of the 2 didn't germinate at all though. The others are looking pretty good as well. The cheese is growing out of its deformity nicely. I have been giving them a foliar feed of 180-200ppm AN cal mag and B-52. Just a light mist once or twice per day, Mamba Negra excluded.

The micros are doing pretty good, Just water today, I'll probably cut them down after their next watering.
The pics; First one is the Mamba Negra, second is Super Sonic Crystal Storm, third is the Pakistan Ryder, and fourth is the Cheese Auto.
Thanks guys:mrgreen:
