Grow Mediums n00bgrowr first grow. Help Appreciated. 12 bucket rwdc multiple strain. Advice welcomed

This is the bud development on plant same size and age


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Few shots of each side of tent. Top is about 5 weeks. 2nd is right around 7.


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Hey dude are those pics of the slightly yellow new leaves from one of the 7 week old girls?
Just asking cuz they look a little close to the light and light burn can bleach the leaves
I was thinking the same thing but my light were maxed out so today I looped the light hanger and gave myself 6 more inches so i raised them. Just can't figure out why she isn't budding, even the younger ones are passing her with flower. Even though she is a good 2 feet taller.
Sorry I ask so many questions just have no where else to ask so I really appreciate the advice.

But the first time a fan fell and hit a plant it didn't cause any outter damage but made her fall over in the medium, it's been about 3 days and now she is looking like she is dying. As of now she is standing with the support of a stake

Do I let her go and see what happens or is it best to just take her out of the system?


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@sanguine thanks for everything bro but unfortunately due to a few bad decisions I had to cut everything and now wait a few things out. I definitely appreciate everything and hope you will follow the next one
Hey mate sorry to hear that. Tag me when ur up and running again.
Welcome to AFN and the wonderful world of hydro. Sorry you had to take it down. Here's a couple of quick suggestions for next time.

Raise your temp up to around 82 lights on and try to have it drop 10 degrees at night if you can. LED doesn't have the high heat of HPS so you can run slightly higher temps.

Change your light cycle to 20/4 or 18/6. Plants create and store sugars during lights out that the plant utilizes the next day.

Make sure your light is at least 24" above the plants. I run the same lights and any lower and they will bleach the top of the buds.

No need to put the humidifier in the tent, they generate unnecessary heat. 50-60 is fine and what I generally run. 45% is good near the end but not necessary.

If you aren't, monitor your pH and ppm daily. Keep a log. If your plants are feeding properly the pH will rise slightly and the ppm will fall. If it's the reverse, or both are going up, you're nutes are likely too strong.
@sanguine @Muddy

Thank you guys will definitely ask you both to tag along with the next one.

Will be making the necessary adjustments and running 1 maybe 2 strains so hopefully less mistakes.
Keep it to one strain if you can. Even with one strain you're likely to get different phenotypes, so mixing strains and phenotypes and you can end up with a lot of different nutrient requirements. Keep it simple, especially in the beginning while you're learning.