Grow Mediums n00bgrowr first grow. Help Appreciated. 12 bucket rwdc multiple strain. Advice welcomed

Thank you. Think I've been mostly lucky so far. Mistakes that I have made could of been avoided I'm definitely already looking forward to the next one. Appreciate the welcome
Went and check on the girls today, few had explosive growth over the last few days.

Downside one of my fans fell for the second time and snapped a nice branch off. It's pulled skin off down the branch.

Should I leave it alone and see what happens? Any idea of what symptoms I should expect from her?

Also any input on what circulation fans you guys use? I have small clip on fans but any movement of the tent they fall off and end up crushing one of the plants


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Few pictures of today. Smaller plants are about 5 weeks and larger side is just turning 7 weeks


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Any idea why my pictures upload sideways? Thanks again everybody
Hey dude dont worry about the broken branch the plant will just heal back up itself.
If you break a stem half way through you can duct tape it back togethet and itll grow back together and form a hard knuckle over the wound- long as its got a bit of stem still attached!
When using a tent i also use those 6 inch clip on fans but the little clips are strong and never fell off the poles before.
You could buy a tower fan or oscilating fan that stands on the ground if you have room.

As for pics not really sure- try reading this
Cool appreciate it. It's the second time one of them have fallen off. When I can get the tent cleaned out I'm definitely going to figure something out.

Sadly don't have much room in the tent for anything and when flower starts I can't even get in the tent to do much without taking the chance of breaking branches.

@sanguine the bud rot spray you were talking about is it the rot stop for tomatoes? Sadly my humidity is continuing to rise. Really thinking about experimenting with defoliation.

Thanks again man
Thanks I really appreciate all the advice. Went and checked the girls earlier everything looks good except on one of them the new growth leaves and the preflower pistl is looking lime green. Only thing I seen from reading is that it may be a lack of nutes any suggestions?
Hard to tell mate can you throw up a few pics in natural light
Tried my best to get good pictures. Figured something is up because it's been taking so long to shower real preflower bud


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