Grow Mediums n00bgrowr first grow. Help Appreciated. 12 bucket rwdc multiple strain. Advice welcomed

Feb 2, 2017
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First of all Hello everyone, been reading the forums for awhile now but is my first post. This is my first grow and definitely jumped in head first.

Setup is a hand me down bubbleponics 12 site rdwc in a 5x9 tent with 2 1000w kind led.

Was also given a bag of female auto seeds.
Blue amnesia,purple Ryder, blueberry domina.

Not only did I do multiple strains I had a germination issue at first so about 6 of the plants are younger than the rest.

Again this is my first grow so I will do my best to fight the problems I will run into and definitely appreciate any help. Again I realized I have caused more work and headaches by multiple strains and ages but will be a crash course

Now enough with the backstory let's get to why I'm here.

Plants are 5-7 weeks old. Most are showing preflower or flower. Some are just bushed out. Most of thriving and looking ok but a few I have dry rigid leaves.

Lights 24-0
Tent temp- 74-77
Water temp 66-69
Ph 5.6-5.9
Ppm not exceeding 850 tap at 120ish

Nutes are techoflora just switched to bloom. Running at 1/4 strength. Also using z7.
Sorry here are some shots


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Also does everything look normal with these preflower? Thanks again everybody glad to be apart of this community


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Also humidity is high 50-60% have exhaust on high. And dehumidifier on outside of tent. Any suggestions would be great I've read and tried to find a solution but to no avail
Hey mate welcome to AFN looks like things are going pretty well- plants look to be enjoying the feed schedule.
Is it possible to have the dehumidifier inside the tent? 50% isnt too bad.
If your worried about mould you can get a product called bud rot stop that you use as a foliar spray
Thank you! I was looking at your journals aboslute beauty lol. Really considering a Wilma system after reading.

I was thinking about the dehumidifier in the tent but it would have to be a smaller unit to fit, would there be any issues caused by putting it in tent? Will also look for the spray, from reading bud rot was my fear, everything I was reading is saying low 40%.

Thanks again for the welcome and response
Cheers dude, i'll always have a wilma running its just been so reliable for me.
I cant really think of any negative effects from a dehumidifier in the tent- apart from taking up valuable space. Do they give of heat?
Yea i think 40% is ideal for flowering but between 50-60 isnt that bad
Well now that I know it isn't horrible I'm just going to continue to watch and if it goes up I'll try the dehumidifier.

Now seeing how crowded it's going to be with 12 sites would you leave some buckets empty? Or how about trimming bigger fan leaves to let light in? Next grow in this tent I think I may attempt to scrog to help open things up
I usually defoliate some leaves to let the light penetrate and to allow better airflow- even more important when humidity is high.
Hard to tell from pics how crowded it is- youll soon know in another couple weeks im sure.
I would have thought 8 would fill that tent nicely- but time will tell
Looking pretty good man for your first time and welcome to the site. Cheers

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