Indoor My White Widows. Grow Diary - from Day 66 and onwards.

Thanks man! She looked a little worse. All the leaves that were extremely yellow/ugly got removed. If the still have some green in them I figured I'd leave them on till then. Not sure if it helps or harms in any way but I figured I'd play around anyway. As far as the trich's go, they were a mix of cloudy and clear the other day, but the dog somehow got a hold of my pocket microscope and chewed the $#!+ out of it so I gotta get another. Are you using soil, coco or hydro?

I use soil. Hydro and coco is too advanced for me. I like old fashioned soil and mix 50% pot soil, 25% perlite and 25% vermiceulite.

My dogs usually only destroy containers and bags containing food or nice, stinky waste.
WW #1, Day 71; WW #2, Day 67

Both Widows doing well!

The spots on WW #1 is still there, but I can't see other signs on health problems.
Feeding her 2 ml Advanced Nutrients Sensi CalmagXtra and 30 ml GHE Urtica in a 1 L water.

WW #2, Mrs. Supercropped.

Look at her shape!

Oh, my sincere condolances!

The buds looks so big! My colas are quite small. The pics in my Super Skunk thread lies. On pics they look big.
I think mine look bigger in photos, too. But, while she's not so big, she's all buds! She did recover quite well from the accident. :)

And, inspired by you, I started training my clone.


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Day 70 - WW #1


What does these spots indicate? They have developed during the last 12 hrs.

I fed her last night. In 1 L water I mixed:
4 ml Sensi Grow A
4 ml Sensi Grow B
1/2 tea spoon molasses
1 dr. Hesi SuperVit
5 ml Hesi Powerzyme

View attachment 571433 View attachment 571434
It's heat! Can you add a small air conditioning unit to the room?

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Yeah I understand where you're coming from. My bad man. But thanks for sharing your findings. That sounds about like everything I had going on.
It's a shame because you had a nice looking plant there. Did you get some nice buds from her?

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WW #1, Day 71; WW #2, Day 67

Both Widows doing well!

The spots on WW #1 is still there, but I can't see other signs on health problems.
Feeding her 2 ml Advanced Nutrients Sensi CalmagXtra and 30 ml GHE Urtica in a 1 L water.

WW #2, Mrs. Supercropped.

Look at her shape!

View attachment 571959
Looking very good!

@Vlad The Inhaler Any thoughts? Also, check out Coffee's plant, please. It looks yellowed, but I know that, to a certain level, that is normal during flowering. I, would give her calmag, but that's not a decision scientifically based...

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I have opened more air channels in the tent. Hope it helps.
Day 69 - WW #2, Miss Supercropped

Last night when I brough the plants in from the balcony, I noticed Miss Supercropped try to straighten her back. I had to tie her down. If not, she chooses her own shape.

My cannabis bonzai...
Last night.

Ando now out in the fresh air, hoping for the life giving beams of the sun.
Day 69 - WW #2, Miss Supercropped

Last night when I brough the plants in from the balcony, I noticed Miss Supercropped try to straighten her back. I had to tie her down. If not, she chooses her own shape.

My cannabis bonzai...
Last night.
View attachment 573044

Ando now out in the fresh air, hoping for the life giving beams of the sun.
View attachment 573045
Looking great! :)

I'll have to tie mine as well, she manages to get back up, even though the branch is totally mushy where I squeezed it. :|

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