Indoor My White Widows. Grow Diary - from Day 66 and onwards.

FOR THE BRAVE AND BOLD...............:slap:

It is my first plants, but I have learned a lot! I also have flowering Super Skunk - see links in signature.

I will need supercropping when my 3 Automazar start to grow seriously. I know I will get space problems. The WW#2 can be used for experiments. I tried to kill her with nutes, but she liked it instead.
Thank you, thank you...

Looking at what I did to WW #2 yesterday and how she is doing today suggest the HST Supercropping technique is useful for autos. Also, I gave her food after treatment. See protcol from yesterdays post.

With what I am doing with my round 4, trimming way way way too early, I noticed I HAVE to keep nutes flowing. Especially on my FastBuds Green Crack where my clumsy ass knocked off the bottom fan/shade leaves that should be left on "if" you are going to try this.........:chef:
With what I am doing with my round 4, trimming way way way too early, I noticed I HAVE to keep nutes flowing. Especially on my FastBuds Green Crack where my clumsy ass knocked off the bottom fan/shade leaves that should be left on "if" you are going to try this.........:chef:

Luckily I don't need to chop leaves.
Honestly, I supercropped an auto by accident and it responded nicely to it, so I purposely do it to most of my plants to see if they like it and so far they have been loving it. Though I only do it to about 2 stems :) nice thread btw
Honestly, I supercropped an auto by accident and it responded nicely to it, so I purposely do it to most of my plants to see if they like it and so far they have been loving it. Though I only do it to about 2 stems :) nice thread btw
Thank you for reading!

It will be interesting to see what happends with the supercropped one. There are no signs on stress. She used the first 24 hrs to raise her head which pointed to the floor. Now it points to thr Heavens.

I will inspect WW #1 later today.
Subbed in here to..
How many treads are u on ;)
Many.... I have a lot of free time to study and read threads. I like to discuss what other people are doing, to gain further insight. I used to work as a scientist and used to have many projects running and I always was interested in what the other researcher were doing and discussing their and mine results with them. I use the same approach here, as I know how many good ideas and improvements that comes out of good collegial conversations and constructiv critisism. I tend to be all over the place, when knowledge is developed, shared and sucessfully repeated by others.

I have started too many threads also, because I had so many questions and so little knowledge that the first weeks as a clandesitine horticulturalist was very confusing. I posted a lot of questions and got the answers I needed, but I failed in taking systematic and scientific approach as I do with everything I engage in. Now I try to keep things systematic in 3 threads. This White Widow thread, the one Updates and Questions to my Super Skunks, and my Scientific literature thread. I note there are quite a lot of readers of my Science Reviews and library source. It makes me happy to note people are studying and increasing their knowledge. However, I will continue joining other threads and discussions. You would like to gain new knowledge every day.

I keep journals and notes for everything I do seriously, like cooking, growing weed and other things worth doing. However, even the first few pages in my journal Commentaries to Cannabis Cultivation show my confusion. Now, comments on how the plants behave and what I do and what the physical conditions are, recorded in painstaking detail. Plant are photographed age and height, temp and RH in the tents are measured and documented. Every volume of water, fertilizers and additives are written down and pH measured and adjusted to 6,3-6,4. Now everything runs according to scientific standards. That means you can read my record and repeat my work as exactly as biology allows. The only instrument I miss is a lux meter, so I can record intensity of the artificial lights.
Thank you, thank you...

Looking at what I did to WW #2 yesterday and how she is doing today suggest the HST Supercropping technique is useful for autos. Also, I gave her food after treatment. See protcol from yesterdays post.
I can't seem to view any of your images for some reason. It's just some text. Could you please show me a picture of HST and how you're doing it lol? I've got a Northern Lights auto hopefully on her way to breaking ground soon and space is fairly limited lol. So if there's anything I can learn from you, I'm in! If you don't mind, I'd like to follow your thread, even if I can't view the pictures! But I hope they keep turning out great for ya!
I can't seem to view any of your images for some reason. It's just some text. Could you please show me a picture of HST and how you're doing it lol? I've got a Northern Lights auto hopefully on her way to breaking ground soon and space is fairly limited lol. So if there's anything I can learn from you, I'm in! If you don't mind, I'd like to follow your thread, even if I can't view the pictures! But I hope they keep turning out great for ya!
I have the same problem, none of his pictures show for me...

They have amazing tutorials on all training techniques here.

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