My TransPlant No. 7 and 2 Accidental Clone Pots

It might just be from cloning but the shorter plant is on the verge of nitrogen toxicity.

Couple of days later with first a gentle flush and then watering only with Canna Start, Rhizotonic and Cannazyme (baby food)
It is looking a bit better in colour and overall, I'm not worried about some of the bit of dry and nute burn look on the leaves as it doesn't have many roots yet and between Nitro tox and maybe nute lockout it will take a bit to clear.
The little pot with the tæller clones and good root network has a better colour now as well after giving it reduced strength nutes instead of the same as the others.
One of the better of the first pics of one of the tops on Plant No.7
And also a little update picture on the short clone showing the Nitrotox not many days ago, I took one of the two out of the pot, the one that was really only two fan leaves and the other one went on baby food, here she is already stretching, growing, and have a much better colour.


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