Looking great.
A lot of good work ahead of you. 500 plus is good amount.
Ride this gravy train as long as you can.
Here in Michigan we are in kind of a decline in some aspects... One of our largest cannabis producers has just went belly up. Skymint , a Green peaks company or used to be? I'm not sure their names right now? As it may have changed again.
So we went recreational about 3 years ago. We were all doing fine at that time.
An ounce at the dispensary of top shelf AAA weed was going for about $550.00 a little bit less a little bit more depending on the dispensary about 10 years ago... Now mid to top shelf is selling for less than $100.00 give or take a little.
Wholesale right now you can get a pound of quality smoke cured ready to go for retail packaging for under $1.200.00. that's a BIG ouch right now.
Green peaks, Skymint is on the hook for $127 million from Canadian investors.
They have filed bankruptcy last week. There's no federally insured anything for these loans that this company took out from these investors...

Basically they don't have any money at all. And what we heard last Thursday is that they're putting everything up for auction and Skymint is going down.

I'm sure we'll see other companies heading this way. As here in my area we had 90 dispensaries in a 10 Mile square area. In 2014. Now there's less than 30. And it's very hard to gather up a license. Because it's a lot of money that's involved in getting the start up licensing from the state city, county, and municipalities that be.
But your looking great for a good start and I wish you much luck.
So anyways ride this gravy train while you can. Cuz it seems like it's ever-changing. The landscape is always changing and different depending on how the politicians and big Corp are wanting this industry to go.
One last word of advice,
Buy precious metals with your profits. Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium... Stray away from digital currency as much as you can... As it will hem you up eventually... Here in the states we got an extra 87,000 IRS agents...they aren't going to be whistling Dixie...

Dimondale-based Green Peak Industries, the parent company of Skymint, once one of the largest cannabis companies in Michigan, is allegedly more than $127 million in debt to Canadian investment firm …